47 | black heart

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I've never slept this soundly during the past two years

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I've never slept this soundly during the past two years. My heart feels so much more at ease and peaceful. It's like I've just learned how to breathe again.

My eyelids flicker as I feel the warmth of the morning sun on my face. When I open my eyes, I'm greeted with a blue lacquer ceiling that is so different than the one we have at the apartment.

It still feels like a dream that Cal and I have just spent the night together again, pouring all of our feelings, unleashing our longing for each other.

I sigh dreamily, pulling the bed cover closer to my chest. Then I turn on my side and find that the bed beside me is empty.

"Cal?" my voice echoes in the room.

Where did he go?

The feeling of being wrapped in his arms all night long is still fresh on my skin. There's nothing else that can make me feel as warm as being in his embrace.

When my eyes scan the surrounding, I immediately find Cal standing by the glass window. His back is facing me as he stares at the view of Manhattan. He's already wearing his joggers, but still topless.

"Cal," I call him softly, a smile touching my lips.

For a few seconds, Cal doesn't respond. But then, he turns around, and the sight before me makes my heart drop, as if it's falling into a deep pit.

The look on his face is nothing but cold. His once loving ocean eyes have turned ice-cold, glaring at me. I feel like I've just been shot in the head.

"How did you feel when you woke up just now, Amelia? Did you feel satisfied?"

I freeze, feeling like a thousand needles just stabbed me.

"Are you happy now?" he bites out.

My body is immediately on alert, straightening up.

What is happening?

My heart beats like a drum in my chest, my pulse quickening. Dread begins to fill me.

"What are you talking about?" I stutter, my voice laced with fear while my shaking hand grips the bedsheet at my side.

Cal scoffs again, irritation skating on his face. It's not only irritation but also hurt. I can see the hurt in his eyes even though he's trying so hard to mask it with his coldness.

"Tell me, Amelia..." he pauses, and my heart sinks even deeper with every word coming out of his mouth. "Did I please you better now that I'm rich?"

My eyes widen in horror, my heart shattering into pieces. Every part of my body denies what's happening. I can't believe my ears. I can't believe my eyes.

Is this the very same man who just made love to me last night?

No, this is not Cal. Not him.

I try to reach out to him. "Cal--"

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