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I take a deep breath, knowing exactly what I want to ask

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I take a deep breath, knowing exactly what I want to ask. "Where's Cal?"

Zavier stands up. He approaches me, and I automatically step back. "Ah, he's got such a clingy girlfriend, hasn't he?"

Damien and Aaron scoff with amusement, then their laughter fills the room.

"Why?" Zavier whispers in such a low voice that the hair on the back of my neck stands. "Aren't you supposed to tell me that instead? Where's your dear boyfriend, huh? He's supposed to be here, joining us."

My jaw tightens. I wish Cal could leave these guys for good.

Zavier's eyes glint with mischief. "Right. Maybe you can convince him to try this with us. He'll listen to you." He gestures the glass pipe in his hand and puts it on the counter. He then tilts his head, studying me. "Or do you want to try it first? Come, I'll show you something good." He reaches out his hand to touch me, but I snap it off.

"I will never touch that thing." I glare at him, tilting my chin up.

"Aw, feisty." Zavier chuckles, then glances at Damien and Aaron, who laugh as they listen to our conversation. "Why? Are you scared that he will leave you for it?" Zavier sneers. "It does taste better than your pussy."

My blood boils, and I can feel my entire body shaking with anger. "You're disgusting."

Zavier erupts in laughter, so do Aaron and Damien. I can only stare at them in disbelief. They're crazy.

After Zavier can compose himself from laughing so hard, he scoffs. For a split second, I can see the hate in his eyes when he stares at me.

"No matter how much you hate us, your dear boyfriend would always come back here. He needs us," he says sarcastically, but it doesn't hide the fact that he's insecure about everything.

He's afraid that I will persuade Cal to leave them for good, and that's when their only hope will shatter into pieces. It's no wonder that he's been treating me like a pain in the ass.

"No, he doesn't," I hiss. "You need him. He can get out of this place, and he'll be better once he does. You, on the other hand, will lose everything. You'll lose all this shit because you're going to lose all the money. The band will be dead once he's gone."

Zavier clenches his jaw, but instead of talking back to me, he raises his hand. The next thing I feel is a hard slap across my face. The blow is so powerful that I collapse onto the floor.

My hand is trembling as I touch my cheek, only to find out that the corner of my mouth is bleeding. The pain stings so badly that I feel like the world around me is spinning. White dots start to blur my vision, but I try my best to stand up on my feet. When I finally do, I come face to face with Zavier again.

His eyes are so cold that it feels like piercing me. "You think you have such a smart mouth, don't you? I'll fuck your smart mouth with my cock."

My eyes widen after he threatens me with such disgusting words. My heart beats like a drum in my chest. My entire body is shaking as I stare at Zavier, and then at Aaron and Damien. Their eyes darken in an instant.

Without waiting for any second longer, I turn around and run to the door. It's not about wanting to fight back that matters now -- it's about my safety being endangered by staying here with three psychotic, intoxicated men.

I run to the door like my life depends on it, and just as my foot lands outside the room, I bump into someone so hard. The person catches me when I'm about to fall back due to the collision. My face hits his chest instead when he wraps his arms around my body. My breath is short and fast, my lips trembling in fear.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

It's Cal, and I almost burst into tears. I don't miss the panic laced in his voice when he asks me the question.

He's breathing heavily too, panting, like he just ran over here.

I'm not in a state where I can answer him, so I ask him back instead, "What are you doing here?"

That's a bloody stupid question, Mia. You're not supposed to change the question when you basically felt like dying a few seconds ago. God, Mia, you've endangered yourself in the worst way possible.

"I went to the owner's office downstairs, and when I was about to go out, someone told me that you were looking for me," Cal says.

My mind tries to remember what happened. Right. The bartender.

I still can't look up at him. Instead, I'm hiding my face with my hair, looking down so that he doesn't notice the bruise on my cheek and the cut on my lips.

My heart is pounding so hard. I'm not ready for the mess that's going to happen here once he notices that Zavier has slapped me.

"What happened?" he demands, but I just shake my head, hoping that we can just get out of this place without having to deal with the consequences of my action. "Hey." Cal cups my cheeks and tilts my head up. That's when he sees my face.

He freezes for a while, taken aback. I don't even realize that I'm crying, until I feel something wet drip from my chin. The shock in his eyes is soon replaced by rage. There's a storm in those once calmed ocean eyes.

I've never seen him so deadly, like he's ready to kill someone.

He shifts his gaze to Zavier, who's still standing in the room, eyeing us. Aaron and Damien are still on the floor, watching us lazily. They're probably too high to differ imagination from reality.


Before I can do something about it, Cal storms at Zavier and punches him in the face, sending him down. He then grips Zavier's collar and pushes him against the wall that the back of Zavier's head smacks it. Zavier groans in pain.

Cal's fist is shaking with fury as he lifts Zavier's collar higher, choking Zavier in the process.

"Cal!" I cry, wrapping my arms around his waist. I don't want him to do something unforgivable. "Stop. Please, just... let's get out of here. Please, Cal." My sobs break. 

Cal's chest is still heaving up and down. He's still not letting go of his grip on Zavier. When I tighten my hold around his waist, he can feel that my body is shaking helplessly, and that's when he finally releases Zavier, making him slump against the wall.

Cal turns around to face me and embraces me in a tight hug. "Oh my God, Amy." His voice is shaking. He holds my shoulders and looks at me with worry. "Baby, it's alright. I'll get you out of here now, okay?"

I nod, wanting so badly to be out of here. Cal holds my hand and leads me outside, and that's when we hear Zavier shout.

"Fuck you. You're out, Cal!" His voice booms in the air, and I'm sure that everyone on this floor can hear him. "You are fucking out of the band. Get lost!"

But Cal doesn't even glance back.
We just keep walking. I can't see his expression, but I can sense that the band is the last thing in his mind now. It's over.

He'll have to figure out what he's going to do after this, but whatever it is, I'm going to always be by his side.

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