13 | sneak out

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The car stops in front of my house, but neither Cal nor I makes a move

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The car stops in front of my house, but neither Cal nor I makes a move. I still don't want to step out of the car, as though my heart doesn't want to be away from him yet even though we're obviously going to spend a lot of time together after this.

I still can't believe that he's my boyfriend now. I can finally say goodbye to being single.

"Well, then," I start, my voice small. "I guess I should go now." When I look at him, he's still staring at the front, his hands on the steering wheel.

I turn away and grab the door handle, but before I can open it, Cal pulls my arm and plants a hard kiss on my lips. I lean into his touch, our lips moving against each other.

Right. I forgot that I couldn't just walk away before the goodbye kiss, could I?

The kiss leaves me breathless at the end of it, and when I pull away, my heart thuds at the sight of him gazing at me. Even in this darkness with only the moonlight illuminating his face, he looks beautiful with those swollen lips.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow for breakfast, okay?" he asks, and I nod, plastering a soft smile.

Just as I'm about to open the door for the second time, Cal pulls me to him again.

"Fuck. One more kiss," he whispers against my lips before our lips meet again, just as passionate as before.

He cups my cheeks while I hold his arms, and when he still doesn't pull away, I'm the first one to break it. We can do this forever if no one stops.

"Cal," I rasp, hoping that he'll get the idea. Instead, he plants a few quick and hard kisses on my lips. "Cal." I giggle, and he chuckles, finally letting me go.

"Okay, okay."

I comb my hair with my fingers and adjust my blouse to make myself more presentable in front of my parents. I step out of the car and wave at him, watching as he starts driving.

I let out a dreamy sigh and walk toward the porch of my house. My heart almost stops as Dad suddenly opens the door before I can even reach it.

"Dad?" I stutter, hating the fact that I sound nervous. Definitely busted.

"Who is that?" Dad frowns. "I thought you went to the concert with Keisha."

I forgot to tell him that I went with Cal. When Cal picked me up earlier in the evening, Dad hadn't come back from his office.

I take a deep breath and step into the house while Dad closes the door behind me.

"Well?" Dad repeats his question, and I finally turn around to face him.

"He's Cal." I sigh. "He's my friend--" I pause, then correct, "Boyfriend."

God. It indeed feels surreal that we just changed that status a few hours ago.

I bite my lip and shift uncomfortably, wanting nothing else but to go to my room upstairs. However, judging from the way Dad is staring at me, I doubt that he would let me escape this conversation.

"Boyfriend?" Dad asks in disbelief, and my heart drops because of the tone he's using.

Now, I know that he takes this matter very seriously, not just reminding me to be careful like he usually did.

"Yes. He's my boyfriend, Dad," I say. "I'm sorry. I should have brought him here and introduce him to you first."

But then, I remember how Cal and I must look right now, drenched by the rain, our clothes still soaked. It's not the appropriate time to introduce them to each other.

I need to head upstairs soon and clean myself up before I'll catch the flu. God, this moment is torturing me.

"Is he a guy from your school?" Dad asks, and I shake my head slowly. It seems that he expected that answer. He squints at me. "How did you meet him, then?"

I freeze. Damn, why do parents have such a great intuition about what's happening to their child?

I swallow, knowing that he wouldn't like my answer. Cal was a complete stranger to me, with no mutual friends, before we met each other. He doesn't have the most impressive background either.

"I met him when I was watching live music, Dad. He was performing." Still, I can't lie to him. I'm not used to lying.

"So, he was in some kind of a rock band?" Dad keeps going, still speaking in a judgemental tone.

"Some indie band, Dad."

Silence falls between us, and I can sense what's going on. Dad can't believe that some random rockstar-wannabe just snatched his daughter.

I wish he could be more laid back like Mom. I wish he would think that it isn't wrong to experience young love. Life is too short to not be with the one you want to be with.

"I knew that you wouldn't like him." I sigh, then totter upstairs, ignoring him when he shouts at me.

"Mia! I'm not done talking to you!"

Once I reach my room, I slam the door shut behind me, slumping against it, my chest heaving up and down.

Too much for a day.

I'm not usually up this early, but after what happened with Dad last night, I can't help but worry

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I'm not usually up this early, but after what happened with Dad last night, I can't help but worry. Dad is clearly not fond of Cal -- which is ridiculous, since he hasn't even met him -- and I'm afraid that he won't let me see Cal again. That's why I'm already prepared to go out of the house even though it just reached dawn.

I grab my sling bag, step out of the room quietly, and tiptoe downstairs. I'm thankful that Mom and Dad haven't woken up yet. I grab my car keys, slip out of the house through the back door, and get into my car.

My heart is beating so damn fast when I start the engine. I'm afraid that Mom or Dad would hear it.

There's only one thing that goes through my mind now. I want to see Cal, and I prefer to do it before he comes here himself to pick me up.

There's always a chance that Dad won't let me open the door for him. Or worse, he might speak directly to Cal, and I'm not in the mood to have another argument with Dad or face unnecessary drama.

I'll text Mom later to inform them that I'm going to Keisha's house. My heart sinks because I have to lie to my parents, and so I let the horrible feeling stirs inside me, consuming me.

I take a deep breath, pull my car out of the driveway, and head to the street.

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