45 | confession

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The car enters what seems to be a modern high-class apartment through a designated basement

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The car enters what seems to be a modern high-class apartment through a designated basement. The elevator we take is separated too, so we don't have to worry about getting caught by reporters or paparazzi. This building must be monitored tightly by security.

Cal's bodyguard, who'd been sitting in the same car with us beside the driver, never leaves our side. It's when the elevator finally stops that he finally stays, allowing Cal to enter his place alone with me.

While the elevator door closes behind me, I gape at the surrounding. My mouth drops open. I've never seen a penthouse which such luxury. It's a sky penthouse with a rooftop deck and infinity pool overlooking Manhattan. I bet that this place has its own private cinema, wine cellar, spa, and gym too.

Cal turns around as we finally reach the spacious living room. He watches me when my eyes travel around the surrounding.

"Do you..." I falter, admiring the interior of this residence. "Do you live here now?" I feel the urge to slap my face for blurting that out.

Of course, he is, Mia. For God's sake, would you quit being dumb?

A soft smile touches Cal's lips when he shoves his hands into his pants pockets. "I don't really live here. My house is in LA, but I decided to have a place in New York too."

I nod slightly, noting that information. It means that Jasmine is in LA. I was hoping to see her again, but it's not possible at the moment. She still has to go to school there, while Cal is only here for work purposes. He'll be back in LA soon, and that makes my heart sink.

What are you thinking about, Mia? You've been doing fine without him for two years. Did your heart just suddenly clench because he's going back to LA soon?

That's such a selfish thought, I know. I shouldn't allow myself to have hope after what I've done to him.

"Do you mind waiting for a while?" Cal asks, snapping me back into reality. "I had a long day today, so I need to take a shower first."

I nod again. "Okay. I'll wait."

After he walks off, his butler approaches me. "Excuse me. What would you like to drink, mam?"

My brain can't think of anything other than water. "Water.Just a glass of water, please."

I don't need any fancy drink. I just need some water to calm myself down.

He nods and walks back toward the kitchen. I take in the surroundings again. The balcony area attracts my attention the most, so I head toward it. Once I step into it, I'm greeted with the most breathtaking view I've ever seen.

Right here, next to the infinity pool, I can see the entire city of New York with its lights. It's so beautiful that my heart almost bursts. Above me, the sky is filled with stars, and I can see the moon clearly.

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