08 | sounds like a plan

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Hi, guys, I'm really sorry for the delay. I know, I'm really terrible for making you wait. Recently, I had a lot of responsibilities to do that I had to step away from Wattpad for a while.

I hope you enjoy this chapter :)


When we reach Cal's car, my eyes focus on the old black Camaro with white racing stripes

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When we reach Cal's car, my eyes focus on the old black Camaro with white racing stripes. This car doesn't look like anything brand new. It's something that he probably affords with his own money.

I still haven't figured out whether Cal is in college. He looks a couple of years older than me. Is he a sophomore in college? A junior? I don't have any idea.

We don't talk much during the ride to my house, mostly because he can sense how uncomfortable I've been after hearing Zavier's words. When we finally reach my house, none of us makes a move.

Silence falls.

"Thanks for driving me home," I finally say, and Cal turns to me with guilt on his face.

Before I can open the door, his voice stops me. "Are you free tomorrow?"

I turn my body around, staring at him.

"Jasmine said she wanted to see you again," he says, and my thoughts wander to the adorable little girl. "Do you want to have breakfast together with us tomorrow? I'll pick you up."

I still don't give him any answer.

"She kinda misses you," he adds.

I can't help the soft smile touching my lips. Who could resist such an invitation? "Okay."

Cal's eyes soften before he takes out his phone. "Can I have your number, then?" He hands his phone to me so that I can type my number, and once it's done, he dials it. "Save it," he whispers.

I feel butterflies inside my tummy, and I know how silly it is because it's just exchanging numbers, for God's sake.

I open the door and step out of the car. The window rolls down, revealing Cal with a grin on his face. "See you tomorrow, Amy."

And with that, he starts driving again, leaving me standing here with my heart beating fast inside my chest.

And with that, he starts driving again, leaving me standing here with my heart beating fast inside my chest

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