37 | special guest

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My eyes widen as they land on the person who just came into this bar to see me tonight

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My eyes widen as they land on the person who just came into this bar to see me tonight. I can't believe that he's here.

"Cal," Gordon calls, snapping me back into reality, because I've been staring at the man for too long. Gordon then turns to him. "Let me lead you both to my office," he says, the sound of people chattering in the bar echoing in the background. "I think you two should have a private conversation there without all these noises around you."

We follow Gordon to his office, and after the two of us step into the room, Gordon leaves us so that we can talk in private.

The man approaches me and extends his hand for a handshake. "I know that I might have barged into here so suddenly, but I just had to see you, Cal," he says. "I'm Adam Hayes."

I shake his hand like being hypnotized. That name is more than familiar in my ears. I know this man.

Hell, the entire world knows this man. He's a famous music producer who has introduced many breakthrough artists. A few who work with him have become superstars. Goddammit, I'm talking about Grammy Award winning singer, Jude Scott, and Cassie Castillo, whose songs are at the top of the Billboard chart right now. Ring a bell?

"I won't be beating around the bush, Cal," he says.

My heart is beating with anticipation. I still have no idea why he came all the way from LA to see me in Gordon's bar.

"I watched you perform, and I wanted to meet you in person since then," he says, his eyes glinting with delight. "And I'm glad that I came here. That performance you did tonight convinced me that I was doing the right thing. You did an amazing job, Cal."

I'm at a loss for words. Why the fuck did I not even realize that Adam Hayes had been watching my session tonight? I didn't see him among the customers. Maybe I was too busy glancing at Amy's usual table.

The big question here: How did he even recognize me in the first place?

"How?" the word slips out from my lips even when I don't remember moving them.

Adam squints at me. "You really have no idea?"

I can only stare at him with a lost expression. He takes out his phone, going through it. He then tosses it onto the desk so that I can see what this is all about. And there, I see a YouTube video, of me, singing in the park with my guitar.

I scan the number of views and curses silently. Holy mother of fuck. 10 million views? Jesus Christ. Who the fuck has recorded and uploaded this video?

I snap my head back toward Adam, who is still watching me with interest. "You have a lot of potentials, Cal." Adam takes his phone back. "You can go far with that voice. And your songs, damn, it would be such a waste if the world didn't hear them."

Well, damn, Adam Hayes has just cursed when he talked about my songs. Something is really happening right now, and it's fucking big.

"I'm here to offer you something, Cal," he says calmly, confidently, as though he already knows that I won't be able to let such opportunity slip out of my hands.

I wait for him to say more, the silence in the room suddenly killing me.

"A contract."

That one word alone petrifies me. I don't even know how to react.

"I'm offering you a contract with my record label, Cal," he says. "We would be more than happy to make your music known to the world.  There are many things you can achieve with such talent, and you don't even have any idea how big they are."

My mouth hangs open. If this were a prank, I would knock whoever it was that they would have no more teeth.

Adam Hayes has just offered me a contract. A goddam fucking contract.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you in LA." Adam steps forward and hands me his business card with his contact number in it, and I'm fucking grateful that my hand isn't shaking when I take it from him. "I know that this might be too sudden for you, but please give me a call. I'd be waiting." With that said, he pats my shoulder and gives me a knowing smile.

He then walks to the door, and when it opens, Gordon comes into view, leaning back against the wall, his arm crossed over his chest. When Adam passes him, they just nod to each other.

I need a minute to swallow what just happened. Wait, maybe more than a minute.

After Adam has completely disappeared around the corner, the news he delivered strikes me again like thunder.

"Did you see what just happened?" I blurt out to Gordon as he steps into his office, approaching me.

He nods, and there's a glint of sadness in his eyes, since he knows that I won't be able to work here anymore if I go to LA. Yet, the smile on his face is genuine.

"I'm so proud of you, Cal." He gives me a firm hug, and when we pull away, he pats my upper arm. "Congratulations. A rare opportunity like that doesn't come twice."

I break into a big smile, knowing what I have to do.

The first person who came into my mind when Adam made such an offer was Amy.


I can't wait to tell her all of this. I can already imagine her happy face. Her beautiful smile. Her tears of joy. It's crazy that even though I've just experienced the most unbelievable moment I could ever think of, it's not the contract that fills my mind. It's her.

Everything just falls perfectly. We will be able to pursue our dreams together in LA. Jasmine would be ecstatic too if she knew that the three of us would be moving there.

My heart beating wildly against my ribcage, I dial her number. Gordon excuses himself to give us privacy, and my pulse quickens as the ringing tone echoes in my ear.

Come on, pick up my call, baby. Pick it up. I can't wait to hear your voice.

Unfortunately, the call reaches a voicemail, and when I look at my phone screen, only then do I realize that there's an unread message from her.

I open it, and the world stops in an instant.

I can't breathe.

My heart stops beating.

Everything else I've seen and heard today suddenly doesn't matter anymore. I even wish that this were all just a dream, because right now, I can't believe what I see with my own eyes.

For the first time tonight, my hand is shaking as I hold my phone, my eyes drinking every word my girlfriend sent me.

I'm leaving.

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