20 | beachside

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This chapter is smut time. Strong sexual content ahead.


Going home after watching the sunset at the beach isn't an option anymore

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Going home after watching the sunset at the beach isn't an option anymore. Cal has pulled me into the backseat of his car and made me sit on his lap.

And right now, we're kissing. Our tongues dance with each other slowly as I cup his cheeks. His hands go under my t-shirt, roaming my back. My cardigan has been tossed onto the seat.

He groans as he feels my fingers slip under his t-shirt too, trailing the skin on his abdomen up to his chest. Cal abruptly yanks my t-shirt up, taking it off me, exposing me only in my bra. He then takes his shirt off too, and I swallow as he pulls me into him again. My breasts hit his chest, while my stomach is pressed onto his toned abs.

The feeling of our direct skin contact sends a tingling sensation to my body. His skin feels so hard and warm against mine.

Cal captures my lips in a fierce, hungry kiss and unclasps my bra. A soft gasp leaves my mouth when he bends down to lick my nipple. My hands automatically run to his hair when he french kisses it, rolling the other nipple between his fingers. A breathless moan escapes from my lips, and he takes that cue to pleasure me even more, sucking my nipple hard into his mouth.

"Oh, God, Cal." My entire body is already shaking just because he's playing with my breasts. I can't take it anymore. Cal, however, seems to enjoy taking his time with them, torturing me with his well-calculated pace.

"You like it, pretty girl?" he rasps, now biting my nipple softly. "You like it when I make you feel good? Let me take care of you. Let me make you feel good, baby."

My lips tremble as he sucks on my nipple again and releases it with a loud pop. He then grabs a handful of my hair and tilts my head so that he can have access to my neck. His tongue slowly runs from the area between my breasts up to my neck, and I shiver helplessly. His other hand unbuckles my jeans and slips into my panties. I let out a loud moan when he rubs his finger against my clit, putting pressure on it.

"What about this, huh?" A small smile touches the corner of his lips, while I stare at him with wide eyes. "Do you feel good when I touch your pussy too?" Without warning, he inserts his thick finger inside my pussy, and I squirm. "Look how wet you are for me, baby. Does this little pussy miss me that much?"

My mouth drops open as he slowly shoves his finger in and out of my slick pussy. I shut my eyes, and just as I'm about to complain about how much he's torturing me, he pulls his finger out.

Lust and desire cross his expression when he lays me on the backseat. He pulls off my jeans along with my panties so that I'm lying down here completely naked.

He quickly unbuckles his pants too and shoves them down his legs along with his briefs, but not before taking out a packet of condom from the back pocket of his pants. Before he sheaths himself with it, I can see how hard his cock is, the tip of it already glistening with his precum. Now I know that the foreplay he gave me has turned him on too, to the point that he can barely control himself.

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