33 | new beginning

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I watch with a big smile on my face as Cal talks to some people who still haven't left the spot where he performed

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I watch with a big smile on my face as Cal talks to some people who still haven't left the spot where he performed. A man pats him on the shoulder with respect, and a little boy who's holding his father's hand keeps pointing at Cal's guitar, asking his father to get him one like that.

When he finally finishes talking to all of them, I approach him slowly. His eyes glint with happiness, as though he can't wait to hug me. But then, before he can do so, a middle-aged man approaches him. Cal and I turn to the man, wondering what he's going to say.

"That was a mind-blowing performance. Congratulations," he says, looking very happy.

Cal plasters a genuine smile. "Thank you."

"Are you a full-time musician?" he asks curiously, watching Cal with interest. "Or are you a part-time singer? Or is it just a hobby?" He begins to ask so many questions at the same time. But before Cal can answer him, he adds, "Sorry. I just had to ask."

"I used to be a full-time singer in a band, but I left them a while ago," Cal says, and I can see the man's eyes light up.

"I'm Gordon. I own the bar over there." He tilts his head toward a building just across the street and offers his hand for a handshake, which Cal accepts.

"I'm Cal."

"Well, Cal, I was wondering if you're interested to perform in my bar," he says. "I'd be happy if you could do that. I'm sure that my customers would be happy too."

My heart squeals, but Cal still doesn't say anything. Judging from his expression, he's quite taken aback. The sound of children playing in the park echoes in the background as the three of us go silent.

"Are you offering me a job?" Cal asks, his tone laced with disbelief.

Gordon smiles. "You could say so. I can show you my place now if you're interested," Gordon offers. "We can have breakfast and have some chit-chat to talk about the details. Does that sound like a good idea?"

Cal breaks into a grin. "Yeah, sure."

Gordon nods in approval, and Cal snaps his head toward me, who's smiling from ear to ear. Before I can say anything, he pulls me into a hug and lifts me, spinning me around. Our laughter echo in the air, and Gordon laughs too, shaking his head in amusement as he watches us.

 Our laughter echo in the air, and Gordon laughs too, shaking his head in amusement as he watches us

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"Mia, are you sure that you're not going with us tonight? We're going to have dinner outside." Keisha's head pops at the door as she asks me one more time whether I want to join her to have dinner outside with her family or not.

I shake my head slightly, still not moving from the desk on which my laptop sits. "No, it's okay, babe. I'm good here. I still have to do something tonight."

Keisha sighs in defeat. "Alright. But let me know if you want me to bring you the food. I'm not leaving you here to starve." She's about to walk off when she adds, "I'll text you later. I'll still bring you the takeaway whether you want it or not."

A sigh escapes from my lips as she leaves. It would be pointless to tell Keisha that she doesn't have to do that for me. I know that I'm being childish and unreasonable for still staying here instead of going back to my parents, but Keisha and her parents always treat me like a family. I'm forever grateful for that. I owe them a lot.

I shift my attention back to my laptop, and a soft smile touches my lips. I've transferred the video of Cal's performance I recorded in the park from my phone to my laptop, and with just one more click, it will be uploaded on the internet.

Honestly, I don't have any hidden agenda. I just think that people would enjoy the video as much as all of us in the park did.

There's a chance that no one will watch the video, anyway. There are countless videos uploaded to Youtube each day, and the chance of it being discovered may be one in a million.

Cal still doesn't know that I took the video, and I would just upload it anonymously.

A week has passed since Cal got a new job, and my mood is even better today because I just finished my final exams

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A week has passed since Cal got a new job, and my mood is even better today because I just finished my final exams. The bright side of staying in Keisha's house is that we could study for our exams together.

"I can feel it in my lungs. Freedom." Keisha inhales the air deeply, shooting his arms up as we head toward the parking lot. We giggle as I link my arms with her. "I hope that we can pass with flying colors," she mumbles, and I nod.

"I hope so." I grin. It feels so good to finally finish our exams.

Even though I have to deal with my parents to talk about college and Cal, I'm one step ahead toward the path I choose. All this time while being away from home, I've been thinking hard about everything, and I realize that pursuing my dreams without my parents' approval will feel incomplete, so I have to think of a way to win their hearts.

"Let's go to a party. Daria is throwing one at her house tonight," Keisha says with excitement. "Bring Cal too."

A small smile forms on my lips, but then I shake my head and sigh. "Cal will be working tonight, so I'm afraid that he can't go. But I'll go with you."

"Great. I'll see you at my house, then?" She winks, heading to her car while I wave my hand. "Enjoy your afternoon with your boyfriend. Lovebirds," she teases, and I just laugh.

I watch as she steps into the car, then I turn my heels in the other direction. Another smile creeps on my lips as I jog, enjoying the breeze blowing through my hair and skin as I pull the straps of my backpack.

High school may be over soon, but I still have a long way to go, and it's thrilling to be able to go on this journey with Cal by my side. We still have so many things to face, so many things waiting ahead of us.

But right now, on this bright sunny day, I feel happy. I'm going to visit my boyfriend's workplace after school.

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