24 | i'm yours

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Strong sexual content ahead.


I don't remember when we started making out, but we're now lying down on the blanket spread on the ground next to his car

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I don't remember when we started making out, but we're now lying down on the blanket spread on the ground next to his car.

Cal kisses my lips gently, his fingers brushing against my cheek, his other hand kneading my breast. He flicks my nipple over the thin fabric of my summer dress, and I moan softly, both of us smiling in our kiss. He does it again, eliciting another moan from me and making my nipple harden.

I'm just so sensitive under his fingertips. Cal touches me on all the right places that I'm burning with desire for him. I'd never felt like this before I met him.

Cal places butterfly kisses along my neck and starts nibbling and sucking on my skin. His hands work on my dress, unbuttoning it from the top. He runs his tongue on my collarbone and unhooks my bra, then pushes it aside somewhere on the grass.

Now that my bare breasts are fully shown in front of him, he pulls away to admire the view. "Fuck. You're perfect. I can't stop staring at you."

The look he gives me is so intense, and I can even feel the hurt in his eyes, as though gazing at me pains him.

"Dammit," he growls, holding my arms on my sides and pressing them onto my body before capturing my nipple in his mouth.

I writhe under him, feeling his tongue move against my nipple while he's still keeping me immobile in his arms. He sucks my breast and releases it with a loud pop. Again. And again. He open-mouth kisses it, devouring it like it's some kind of meal.

Tears start to form in my eyes due to the pleasure when I stare at the twilight sky above, my juices gushing out from the area between my thighs. I feel like I'm in heaven. It's indeed heaven, with him here, embracing me, pleasuring me. I can smell the ocean, feel its breeze, and hear its waves, which makes the moment even more surreal.

Cal makes sure to give my other breast equal treatment to the point that I feel like I can have an orgasm just because of him playing with it.

My lips tremble as I try to hold back my cry. Can one cum because of being ravished on the breasts?

Just when I feel like I can't handle the torture anymore, Cal stops. Slowly, he pulls my dress down along with my panties until they slip from my feet.

"Cal," I whisper, staring at his eyes filled with hunger and all over my body.

Without warning, he grabs my hips and buries his face in my pussy, literally eating it. I scream, because he's not licking nor kissing it gently. He sucks. Bites. Spits. Makes a mess on it. He devours it.

"Cal!" his name slips out of my lips as he flicks my clit with his tongue continuously, still sucking it in his mouth.

I squirm as my back arches, my nails sinking into his hair. But there's no way that I'll be able to escape this, because he's holding my thighs. After long seconds pass with him still flicking my clit and sucking it, I thrash. But before the orgasm hits me, he pulls away.

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