Chapter 1 - Birthday

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I woke up super excited because today was my eighteenth birthday, the day I hope I'll meet my mate. On occasion, a wolf might find a mate earlier, but more often than not, you either met them on your eighteenth birthday or if not then, it might be days or even years before you did. I am really hoping to meet my mate today. I may only be an omega, but the goddess selects mates for all wolves, even omegas. I have been dreaming of meeting my mate as long as I can remember, I've always been a hopeless romantic. I hope he is tall, muscular with dark hair and green eyes. That is my dream guy. Please Goddess, make my mate my dream guy, I made that a wish and a prayer all in one.

I showered, brushed my teeth and spent a good half hour deciding what I should wear. I wanted to look my very best if I do meet him. Everything has to be just right, not too flashy, but not too plain either. I settled on a pair of black skin tight jeans that fit my form perfectly, and a light blue button up shirt with short sleeves. The blue accented my blue eyes. I put some gel in my light brown hair, wishing it was darker, did I mention that I like dark hair? Mine is a shade or two lighter than I like; I considered dyeing it darker. Maybe later.

I raced down the stairs from my bedroom, skipping over the last two, and into the kitchen where my mom was cooking breakfast. Today she was making my favorites, pancakes with a soft egg on top and bacon on the side. We would have a small family celebration later as we weren't anybody special in the pack. My dad was a scout who patrolled the borders of our pack territory and my mom taught the younger pups at the pack school. I was just an average omega, fairly small at 5'2" and a bit on the skinny side. I may be small, but I have always been nicely proportioned.

"Good morning Jax, happy birthday." My mom's greeting was cheerful just like every morning as she bent down and kissed my cheek. Yeah, my mom is taller than I am.

My baby sister snickered just like she did every morning: "Hey shorty", she ruffled my hair. She's taller than me, a lot, which is totally unfair. I hate that as a boy, and the elder of the two of us, I'm so much shorter than she is. At 16 she's already training with the scouts which is all she's ever wanted. She takes after dad and wants to follow in his footsteps.

"Hey twerp, you're messing up my hair", I growled up at her. She just laughed at me, slightly annoyed because I called her "twerp". I always call her that when she calls me "shorty" because it gets under her skin. I'm not really bothered by being called shorty, I am short, and there's nothing I can do about it - but I'm not going to let her know that.

I wolfed down my breakfast and raced out the door, anxious to be outside because I didn't want to miss my mate just in case he were around.

First things first though, I had to run a couple of errands for my mom. She needed a few items from the local market and then I had to drop off some books at the library. I didn't mind, it would let me wander around and I might meet my mate at the store or the library; you never know.


I was starting to think I wouldn't meet my mate today and my disappointment was showing on my face. It's already past two in the afternoon and so far, no sign of a him.

"Don't worry, son", my mom whispers in my ear. "The goddess knows what she's doing, everything is going to be fine." She assures me and my mood picks up a little. She always knows how to make me feel better.

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