Chapter 9 - Running

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Alpha Pete had another party last night. They're really nothing but orgies. There were naked bodies lying all around the main area in the pack house. That's nothing unusual. The staff who have the responsibility of cooking and cleaning avoid this area until later in the day because none of these people will be up and around before that; they're all either sleeping or passed out drunk. Mostly, they're passed out drunk.

It's early still though, so none of the staff has started to arrive into the kitchens yet. I look over and see Jaxon looking at me. He's usually unconscious after a night like last night, but he surprised me this time. He doesn't say anything, just looks at me. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was dead he looks so bad. I quietly pick my way through the sprawling bodies and bend over him.

"Shh", I shush him. Not that I expect him to make any noise; he never does. "I'm taking you out of here so don't make any noise. We don't want these people to wake up".

He nods his head just barely enough for me to see.

I gently pick up his naked body and pick my way back through those people laying anywhere they fell, making my way to the door. This is the chance I've been waiting for. The people in the house will think that he's been taken back to the barracks, and those in the barracks will think he's still up at the house. My only concern is whether or not he has enough strength to even stand, much less run away.

"I'm going to remove the collar and the shackle from your leg", I whisper to him. "Do you understand"? I take the keys from my pocket and remove the collar from his neck and the shackle and put them in my pocket. I'll dispose of them later. The collar is what prevented him from shifting to his wolf. He may not have the strength to shift, but we won't know until he tries.

He nods again, a little more this time.

"Do you think you can walk?"

Another nod, followed by a quiet whisper "I think so".

I start to carry him to the edge of the woods past the training grounds when I catch sight of someone coming towards us.

"Shit", I mutter to myself. "This complicates things", I can't let him go if anyone sees us.

The person coming towards us recognizes both of us and picks up their pace, hurrying over to us. It's his sister Lucy, and I can see the concern on her face.

"Is he okay?", she asks, her voice low in the early morning. I'm not the one usually taking him back and forth to the barracks, so she suspects that there's something wrong.

"No, he's okay", I reply. I have no choice but to trust her, and in this, I'm sure I can. She's his sister and she's done her best these past years to care for him as much as she could. "I'm taking him to the woods and I'm letting him go. I think you should go with him."

Her face shows her shock but she agrees immediately. "Can you wait at the edge of the woods for me, just a few minutes", she asks me. "I need to get some things we'll need to take with us".

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