Chapter 3 - Life is Hell

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It's been a month since I was brought out of the cells beneath the pack house. I don't even know how long I was kept down there. The barracks consists of one large room where beds were lined up along either wall and a second large room that had been converted to a communal bathroom when this building had become the barracks. I was chained in a corner of the main room out of the way of the rest of the warriors. The chain was long enough for me to reach a small bathroom near my bed that had been the only bathroom in the building before the building became the barracks. I could walk about 30 paces in either direction; which allowed me to sit in a small patch of sun that shone through one of the barracks windows. I could look out the window and see the forest just past the training grounds.

I so wanted to shift and let my wolf out to run. Run far away from this hell I found myself living. Jake, my wolf, and I closed our eyes and imagined ourselves running through the forest like we use to do; it was our only escape from our reality. I couldn't shift though. They'd put a small collar around my neck; a collar designed to keep prisoners from shifting to their wolves, and I am now a prisoner in my own pack. Jake tries to help get my mind off our situation by telling me old, stale jokes from back when we were in school. It's not all that effective, but occasionally he gets a slight smile out of me with one of them.

Every night since I got here I've gotten fucked. Most of the guys leave me alone and don't touch me, they just try to pretend that I'm not there and never look at me. I make them uncomfortable. Most of them were ashamed of what they'd done and about how I'm being treated. But there are five of them who take every opportunity to use me, usually one after the other, sometimes they'll go for a second round after they've all taken their turn. I was safe at the moment because they were all out training. During the day, I'm generally left alone, but I dread the nights, I dread them with all my soul.

Lucy brings my food. I'm only given one meal a day and that's lunch. It's usually the leftovers from everyone else's meal and was never filling. She sneaks me extras when she can, but when she's caught doing it she gets punished for it. I was always skinny before they brought me here, but the lack of decent meals was taking it's toll on my body and I've lost weight.

Lucy also brought me some books, anything that she could and since there wasn't a television in the barracks, the books gave me something to while away the time with. I have to keep my mind off my situation or I'm sure I will go mad. There were books on accounting, finance, math, and science. Probably some left over text books from when one of the guys was in college, I guess. A few more books gradually found their way into the collection; some fiction and fantasy and even a couple of romance novels. I read them all because I had nothing else to do. I read them, re-read them and re-read them again until I could almost recite them word for word.

I still don't know why Alpha Pete rejected me or why he put me in this situation. He hasn't spoken to me since he rejected me. When I've seen him through the window out on the training grounds, he seemed irritated and I could hear him cursing the men he was training with. I imagine that's probably a normal part of training though. Seeing him causes an ache in my heart, but I don't feel the pull that I felt that day on the meeting grounds. When I remember how I felt the mate bond break, just before I passed out, it still causes me pain. The pull of the mate bond that lasted such a short time and was snuffed with a few simple words from the alpha. Instead, I'm letting my anger grow; there was no reason for him to do this to me. No reason to condemn me to this life. I catch his scent every now and again; I've grown to loathe the scent of deep forest pine and mint.

Other than Lucy or one of the older omegas (none of the younger omegas will come here), when they bring my meal, I don't have anyone to talk to. I've had no other visitors and nobody except the warriors came into the barracks, and like I said, they all mostly tried to pretend I wasn't there. My five tormentors don't talk, they just fuck me; not that I want to talk to them anyway. As they lay on top of me, pounding their hard members into my ass, I try my best to ignore it all and picture myself somewhere else; anywhere else. I am not succeeding very well though. The pain is a constant now. I don't want this. Sometimes I feel so worthless.

If I thought I was in hell before I was sorely mistaken. I had been in the barracks for quite a while, when one night a guard came and unlocked my chain and took me up to the pack house. Alpha had guests and, it turned out, I was desert. I tried hard to forget what happened that night, and I might have been successful if it hadn't happened again and again. Every time alpha has guests, I am brought in and used by whichever wolves were there who wanted to get their rocks off.


It's been about 5 months now since I rejected Jaxon. I have guests coming again tonight and I'm looking forward to the after party. There are always a few men among the guest willing to take their turn at Jaxon. It excites me watching them; it's starting to be the only thing that gets me aroused. Not even Carla is enough any more, and she's good at what she does. I dream of Jaxon's naked body, his ass held up as a hard cock is shoved into his tight hole. I can almost feel it myself. I want to hear him moan; he doesn't moan though, he's completely silent except for occasional cries of pain. None of the men are gentle with him; they like it rough. I've never had dreams like this before about any male. I am not gay. Thinking about it is getting me hard again.

The people coming tonight are friends I've known since high school. Some guys and girls. They're not wolves, but they know how to have a good time. I remember the times we had in high school and I'm looking forward to tonight. I want to see Jaxon getting fucked again. Goddess, there's something wrong me and I don't know what it is. His scent is still intoxicating, though since the rejection, I don't feel any pull from the mate bond. That was broken and it's not coming back; I can feel that in my soul. Not after what I've done. I'll never have a mate because of him; he needs to be punished for that and I know exactly how that punishment will go. He's not going anywhere as long as I'm alive.

Levi still refuses to talk to me and it's getting on my nerves. He's always been there, a presence in the back of my mind and I can't even feel him there right now. I know he's there because I can still shift, but when I do, it's still me in control; he doesn't even take control of our wolf body. I'm losing sleep and getting irritable; I've been snapping at everyone over the smallest things. I've also started neglecting my Alpha duties and it's having an effect on the morale of the pack. It's showing in little ways; you'd hardly even notice them they're so insignificant. But I can feel it in the back of the pack's minds. I know what I'm doing here but I just can't bring myself to care like I use to, all I want to do is watch Jaxon getting his ass fucked, wishing it was me doing the fucking. The few times Levi comes out is whenever I try to touch Jaxon; at those times, Levi makes his presence known and even though I'm in control of our body, he makes it hell for me if I try to touch the boy. The one time I actually managed to touch him it was like I'd stuck my hand into a furnace and it was unbearable.

Right now, all I can think about is my anticipation for tonight and it's driving me crazy.

"Hey Jeff, it's good to see you again. How have things been going?" I said to the first of my guests to arrive. Jeff was my best friend in high school and we've kept in touch ever since.

"Great, Pete. What's new with you?" He replied, and we stood catching up on old times as the rest of my old friends pulled up one by one."I have a special treat for you all tonight", I told them. "I hope you're ready to have a night to remember".

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