Chapter 19 - Second Chances

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Kale visited me again today as he has done every day since we arrived a month ago. He insists that I refer to him as Kale and not Alpha. It was hard for me to do that because everyone else calls him Alpha. He insists that we spend time together every day, even though his schedule is always full taking care of the business of this large pack. At first I tried to refuse, but no matter how unworthy I feel, I can't make myself turn him down. Every fiber of my being is longing for him. To be with him. The more I get to know him, the worse I feel about myself; he deserves so much better than me.

I haven't told Kale about my past yet, but I'm going to have to do it before too much longer. He asked me about it the first time we were together; but when he saw how uncomfortable it made me he told me he would wait until I was comfortable talking about it. Lucy told me that she hasn't told him anything about what happened in our old pack other than that I was the prisoner of our Alpha. I know he's curious, but I'm glad he's willing to wait until I'm ready to talk about it. Initially, I tried to persuade him that we shouldn't be together; letting him know that I'm not worthy of him, but he was having nothing to do with that. So here we are, spending time together every day.

Today we're walking through the gardens behind the Manor. They called their pack house "The Manor" here. It was always filled with people even though most of them lived in the surrounding village. Those who lived in the Manor itself were the Alpha, Beta, who we haven't met yet as he is away overseas taking care of some pack business in the Alpha's place, their sister Jenny who is a really sweet girl of fourteen, and a few other pack leaders and their mates. Jenny is the youngest of Kale's siblings. He has another sister who is mated to the Alpha of the Red Fang pack far to the North of the Silver Moon pack. His parents, the former Alpha and Luna visit regularly, but they spend most of their time travelling and enjoying their retirement. I haven't met them yet either.

The gardens here are simply incredible, as is everything if you stop to think about it. My favorite place is a gazebo where we're currently resting, it's surrounded by old oak trees with trunks so big it takes four large men to wrap their arms all the way around them. The gazebo is in perpetual shade so it stays cool in the heat of the day. We spend quite a lot of time here, just enjoying the quiet atmosphere, not talking or anything, just being together.

Kale came up behind me where I stood looking out through the trees enjoying the peace the place brings me. He put his arms around my waist and I felt the usual sparks between us as he pulled my back up against his broad chest. He leaned down placing his chin on the top if my head sniffing slightly and looking in the same direction I was. You smell wonderful, he said. He is so casual about everything and I don't mind it at all. At first I was hesitant to let him touch me, even hold my hand. I was afraid of possible flashbacks from before; but he was so gentle and caring that none of that happened and now I privately look forward to him taking my small hand into his.

"Why couldn't I smell your wonderful scent when you first arrived?" He asked me. "It's so strong now I can tell wherever you are."

"There are some herbs that Lucy knows that we used to mask our scent." I explained. "That is how we initially managed to elude the search parties".

He nods and says he will ask Lucy about them later.

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