Chapter 37 - Vows

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If anybody had told me a year ago that I would ever be this happy, I would have laughed in their face; assuming, of course, that I was in any condition to laugh at all. Yet here I am, having the best day of my life. Ever. Kale and I are swinging around the dance floor for our first dance as husbands. The wedding was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything more.

Practically everybody we know is here. My parents, Kale's parents, our siblings, all the Alphas and Lunas from the packs we have alliances with, they're all here. Even Alpha Andrew & Luna Caitlyn are here. He contacted Kale and requested permission to attend our wedding when he heard that we were getting married. Everybody brought some of their single members to the party; it's a great way for them to meet single people from other packs and perhaps even their mates.

Looking up into his smiling face, my heart swells with love and I can still hear his deep voice saying his vows in my mind. I will never forget them as long as I live. I smile up into his eyes, and wish this night could last forever.

"Jaxon Archer, today is the third best day of my life. Yes, that's right, the third best day. The first best day of my life was the day you walked through the doors of the manor and into the sitting room. You were so beautiful, and so unexpected. I looked into your deep blue eyes and felt the sun come out from behind the clouds that I didn't even know surrounded me. All of a sudden, life held meaning once again and I knew that I would never be alone again. Of course, you had to go and faint and scared me half to death."

"The second best day was the day you spent the morning in the bathroom throwing up because later, you came in and told me that we were going to be daddies. I thought my heart was going to burst with all the happiness that filled it to overflowing."

"And finally today, today is the third best day of my life. Not only are we mates, but now we're legally husbands. You're stuck with me now, babe." Everybody laughed when he said that.

"I promise you that I will always adore you. That I will be there for you so you never feel alone. That I will hold you when you need to be held and comfort you when you are in need of comfort."

"You fill each of my days with joy. Your smile is my sun, your laugh is my moon and your eyes are the only stars I'll ever need. I love you Jaxon and I promise that I will always love you."


Who would have guessed that it was possible to love someone as much as I love Jaxon. After Serena was killed, everyone assumed that I would choose a pack female to mate with and bear my heirs. I never had a chance to get to know Serena so our bond never had a chance to grow very strong. Nobody ever expected that I would meet my second chance mate. Sure, there was a possibility, but it is very rare. I don't think anybody in the pack even knows anybody else who found a second chance mate. Yet, here we are, the two of us both sharing this wonderful gift from the moon goddess.

Holding him in my arms while we dance is my dream come true. This little man makes me feel so alive. His voice is the music my heart beats to and his laughter makes my blood sing in my veins. There is nothing about him that doesn't lift my soul to the heavens.

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