Chapter 7 - Rogue Attack

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A/N: There is a small amount of mature content in this chapter (2nd & 3rd paragraphs under Pete's POV).


An alarm sounded, loud, warning the pack that rogues were attacking. The women and children knew what to do and they all raced to the safe room in the pack house some of the older women making sure everyone was accounted for.

Warriors were racing from the training grounds heading to the Eastern border while others ran to the pack house to protect those who remained. Everyone heard the command through their mind links; I issued the commands. Alpha Pete wasn't responding to the threat.

When I arrived at the border the scene was one of chaos; wolves fighting and tearing one another to pieces. There were more rogues this time than we'd had to face before in one of their attacks, about 12 of them, but we were trained and ready. We had the advantage of home ground and we were defending our pack; something they didn't have.

I immediately threw myself at a large brown and gray wolf, I caught him unaware, sinking my teeth into his throat. I shook my head, tearing out his throat and leaving him on the ground to bleed out as I attacked another wolf that was ripping at one of the pack warrior's back.

Our warriors outnumbered the rogues and it wasn't too long before we had the upper hand and had killed 8 of the rogues. Seeing their band decimated, the remaining 4 rogues turned tail and fled. I ordered several of the warriors to pursue them, making sure they were either killed or gone from the area. Eight warriors took off after them, while the rest began tending the wounds of those who had been injured in the fight.

Several of them were heading to the pack's doctor for treatment of minor wounds; fortunately no one had been seriously injured this time.

"Those of you who are injured, head to the clinic to be patched up", I ordered when we got back to the pack house. "The rest of you, sweep the area to ensure that it's all clear".

"Yes, sir!", they replied; heading off in various directions, some to the clinic and others to conduct the safety sweep. They were good men and they knew their jobs.


I heard the call for help from the scouts at the border through the mind link, and shortly after that, when I hadn't responded, I heard Terrence order the warriors to their posts in the pack house or to the border. I was in bed with Carla, and figured that my beta was handling the situation well enough. I didn't get up, Carla's pussy was just too sweet as I thrust myself into her. Ever since Levi stopped talking to me, sex was one of the few distractions I had that made me feel less empty inside.

At some point over the years, the desire to take Jaxon had grown increasingly urgent; but for whatever reason, even though I wanted it, I couldn't touch him. Every time I tried, I got a blinding headache that practically knocked me out. I'm sure it was Levi's doing, but that was only one possibility I and I couldn't verify it since he wasn't talking. I still didn't want him as my mate; I am not gay, but watching everyone else fucking his ass, made me want to fuck him as well. They seemed to love it that much and it was such a turn on. I was jealous of them all. Sometimes at the orgies, I fucked Jeff's friends and pretended they were Jaxon while I did it. They were just substitutes and I knew it.

Carla was my bed partner today. She was always willing, I think she considered herself the pack Luna because she was the only member of the pack that I ever fucked. She was kidding herself and I knew it; honestly, I could barely stand her, but she was a good fuck so I never said anything about it to her.

When the alarm came, I just couldn't find it in myself to be concerned about it. When I thought about that, it actually scared me. That is not how an alpha wolf, leader of his pack, should feel. I knew that and yet, I couldn't bring myself to take any action. Something is seriously wrong with me; I just don't know what it is or how to fix it so I turned back to Carla and immersed myself in the pleasure of sex.

I heard the warriors return after the fighting was all over. I knew there weren't any serious injuries, I would have known otherwise through the pack link. I had better go and at least get a report from Terrence. He would be seething that I hadn't done anything. He was a good beta; I made a good choice when I picked him for the position all those years ago, but he was still going to be pissed at me for today; he was about the only person who could get away with chastising me since my parents had retired and left the pack. I just couldn't bring myself to care about that either.


When we got back, alpha was finally out of his bedroom and waiting for us on the pack house porch. He asked me for a report and I delivered it fully. He seemed to be thinking about something else, but at least he made the effort to come down.

"Six wolves with minor injuries, none seriously injured", I reported. "There were twelve rogues in this group, it's one of the largest groups of rogues we've seen. Eight of them are dead and I ordered warriors to pursue the rest beyond our territory to ensure they don't come back".

"Good job", he replied absently.

I turned and made my way over to the warriors barracks to check on the ones who had been injured. It's always best to make sure none of the injuries were more serious than originally thought. They should be done at the clinic by now. When I got there, I realized that Jaxon was still chained to his bed. If any rogues had made it to the pack grounds, he would have been a sitting duck, chained there unable to get away. Just one more worry on top of all the others. He looked at me as I walked into the barracks, his eyes listless as if he couldn't care whether or not he lived or died.

"Goddess, Jaxon", I blurted. "Nobody came to get you to safety?"

He looked over my way, indifferently. "What difference would it have made? If I died that might just have been the best part of my day". He turned his eyes away, clearly not caring one way or the other.My heart climbed into my throat at his words. It felt like he really meant everything he just said. I had never seen anyone who was so detached from himself before in my life. I vowed to myself right then that I would see to it that he wasn't forgotten again, and I made a comittment that I was going to somehow put an end to this whole tragic situation. The boy should be out running through the forest, laughing with his friends, loving and being loved. Instead, here he was chained to a bed used as a sex object. Forgotten by everyone in his pack when danger struck.

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