Chapter 34 - Redemption Part III - Please Don't Hate Me

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A/N: This is a long chapter. I never intended to get sidetracked from my main character Jaxon and get caught up in Pete's story this much. I think I should probably saved this for Extras after I was done with the rest of the story, but what's done is done. So here we are. Please enjoy and let me know what you think.


Two huge wolves with red eyes are stalking towards us out of the trees. Pete pushed me behind him, but I don't think that is going to stop them from killing us both. If they kill Pete, I know I'll be easy prey.

I hear a deep growl in front of me but I think it's coming from Pete and not the two wolves moving towards us. Maybe he's trying to scare them off by growling at them?

Moments later they attack. Pete grabs the front leg of the leading wolf and swings it into the ground stunning it. He then stomped on the animal's neck, crushing it. Before he can turn back the other animal leaps at him, but he manages to step aside at the last minute. He isn't able to completely avoid the wolf's claws which rake down his arm, leaving deep gashes.

As the wolf turns back, Pete launches himself at it, tackling it to the ground, wrapping his large hands around it's muzzle and twisting until a loud crack resounds through the air. The wolves are both dead and we're still alive.

Shaking from adrenalin, my legs give out and I realize I'm sitting on the ground. I'm not sure what to think about what I just saw, one unarmed man killed two wolves with his bare hands. I think the stooges got off lucky; yeah, they have no idea how lucky they are.

Pete jump up and races over to me and lifts me back to my feet, pulling me into a tight hug. "Are you okay?" He asks, his voice full of concern.

I just nod my head yes, unable to find my own voice.


Avery is shaking in my arms, there's no telling how he's going to react to all this. But we're not done yet, I need to report this to the pack. They need to know that rogues were in their territory.

"Avery", I tilt his head up so that he's looking at my eyes. "Don't be afraid, everything's okay".

"There's another wolf in the trees over there. I don't think we're in any danger from it, but I need to make sure. I'm going to hold you so, you're going to be safe, okay?"

As soon as he nods, I turn back to the trees.

"Come out here, little omega, I won't hurt you." I call.

Avery looks at me curiously, but his expression changes to one of fear as a small, malnourished wolf cautiously steps out of the trees, lowering it's head and laying belly to the ground.

"It's okay." I reassure Avery. He isn't going to hurt us, he's more afraid of us.

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