Chapter 23 - Obsession

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The search parties have all returned having found no signs of Jaxon and Lucy. That isn't too surprising as Lucy was one of our better scouts; she knows perfectly well how to cover their trail.

We haven't found any clues about how they got away; the best I can determine is that Lucy came into the pack house and carried Jaxon away while everyone was passed out or sleeping. He must have be wearing the shackle and collar because no sign of them has been found either and without a key, or someone skilled in picking locks, they have no way to remove them. That would have kept Jaxon from shifting which would have slowed them down, and yet, they had still managed to escape.

I initially sent the search parties North, thinking that is where the two fugitives would go. Their parents were living with the North Winds pack and it was the logical place for them to go. Within a week, though, it was apparent that they must have taken a different route. North Winds pack is probably their ultimate destination, but even at a slower pace than a healthy wolf could travel, they should have been there in a weeks time. They hadn't shown up there, so they must have gone somewhere else. I have friends in North Winds who are keeping watch on the Archers; I'll be notified if they do anything suspicious.

After giving it some thought, I didn't think Lucy would want to go South. That would put them in the Dry Lake pack's territory, and Alpha Keith and his men from Dry Lake have been frequent guests at my parties. They would recognize Jaxon right away if they caught him in their territory. Whether they would keep him for themselves or return him is another question. Even though I doubt the two would have gone that way, I've been granted permission from Alpha Keith for the search parties to pass through his territory.

They could easily have gone into the No Man's lands to the East or West. Both directions consist of miles of unclaimed territory where it would be easy to hide if that is what they want. That seems to be Lucy's plan; Jaxon isn't in any condition for a long trek anywhere. They're probably laying low until they think it's safe to come out. I've sent men in both directions hoping to find some signs of them or if we're lucky, that they'll be found.

I don't understand my obsession with Jaxon. I rejected him as mate, so why am I unable to let go? Without Jaxon here, I haven't held any parties; there's no point to it.

"Fuck!" I yell, frustrated, slamming my fist into the wall.

"What is it about Jaxon that I can't stop thinking about him, Terry?" I turn to my beta who is trying to do paperwork. We're in his office because that's where all the pack's work is being done.

"It's probably because he was your fated mate." Terry says, not looking up from what he's doing.

"How is that possible? I felt the mate bond break when I rejected him." I say confused.

"Only the Goddess knows." He replied, his interest apparent in his voice.

Terrence tries to distract me with pack business, things he's been taking care of. I know I've been neglecting my obligations to the pack obsessing over Jaxon. Even doing pack business, I can't get him out of my mind.


Jaxon's been gone for months now and I've called off the searches. I still can't get him out of my mind, but for the time being there's nothing I can do about it.

My friends at North Winds pack have contacted me with some news about the Archers. They've sent word that the Archers are travelling to the Silver Moon pack, a large pack located far to the East of ours. From the little we can gather, they've been granted permission to stay there. It's been several months since Jaxon and Lucy disappeared and it seems like we finally know where they are. Why else would the alpha let them visit otherwise.

I don't know anyone in the East, and I understand that the Silver Moon Alpha intercepts all strangers in his territory. It will be difficult to get anyone into the pack to try to grab Jaxon and bring him back. My best option may be to approach the council of Alphas and request that they require Silver Moon to return my pack members they're holding. The council doesn't like to interfere in minor pack problems so it may not work but I can't think of any other options. 

 I have to get Jaxon back.  Whatever it takes.

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