Chapter 30 - In Heat Part I

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I've been the Luna officially for all of three days. People come to me with small problems that don't require the Alpha, but are too complicated to resolve on their own. It's not hard work and I am happy meeting the pack members one-on-one. I still find myself having mild panic attacks when I have to face pack members who remind me of the warriors back in White River, but after I interact with them, I soon come to realize they're not like those guys were. It's getting better.

Lucy is working with me to resolve these issues. She's good interacting with the warriors and scouts when it's something involving them. I do better with the women and lesser ranked members of the pack, which some might find odd since I'm male and she's female. You would think that it would be the reverse. I have to work on that, because as the Luna, I need to be able to handle all types of problems for pack members of all ranks; but, for now, that is how we're working through it.

As well as handling minor problems among pack members, when Kale found out I knew quite a bit about finance and accounting, he had me check over the pack's accounts. He saw that I know what I'm doing and so right now, I'm going over pack accounts for the last year preparing balance sheets and statements.

Most of the pack business is conducted between pack members using barter methods and aren't part of the outside world, other than items for some of the stores in the market; food, clothing and electronics. These ventures, along with the Evans' software company do require interfaces with the government outside, so all accounts have to be kept up to date. The village has a community well that provides pressurized water and a community waste system as well. There are some hot springs in the territory and they're being used to produce electricity from the geothermal energy. This pack is very modern unlike many smaller packs, even though it's still largely isolated from the outside.

Kale promised to take me on a tour of the village today. I've been looking forward to that ever since the celebration when I officially became a member of the pack and the pack's Luna. We're leaving as soon as he completes the morning's business for the pack.

"Are you ready Jax?" Kale approaches from the direction of his office.

"Give me just a few more minutes while I finish up a few tasks you dumped on me." I grin up at him and wink slightly letting him know I'm just teasing.

He pretends disappointment. "Is it too much for the little princess?" He teases me back, giving as good as he gets.

I just giggle and finish up the last of the paperwork for the account I am currently reviewing.


This is my first time seeing the village since the day David, the chief scout, brought Lucy and I here after detaining us for trespassing through pack territory. The homes along the main street are all well kept even though many of them are quite old. The main street is the oldest section of town. There are newer, more modern homes off the main route, especially nearer the manor, which was built in one of the newer areas of town.

There are flower gardens in the front and I can see small garden plots in the back of many. The homes are painted with bright colors, none of them drab or boring. Looking down the road, it felt positively cheerful.

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