Chapter 38 - The Twins

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Laughing hysterically, two naked three year olds scramble out of the bathroom in order to avoid bedtime. The longer they can stay out of their pajamas, the later they get to stay up. In their dreams! Talia breaks left and Adrian breaks right; the little devils. I race after Talia first, tonight she's the instigator of this little break for freedom and when I catch her she squeals in delight.

"I got you now, Tali." I swing her up into my arms as she giggles excitedly.

"Let's go find Addy now." I whisper, putting my finger over my lips making her giggle some more.

"Run Addy! Daddy's coming." She yells to her big brother, the little rascal. Not that I expected anything else, this is our nightly routine. I bathe the twins, they race away naked, I chase them, get them dressed and put to bed.

"Where are you Addy?" I singsong, creeping down the hall peeking into room after room with Talia under my arm urging her brother to hide. I hear a little giggle as I approach the office. I turn on the light and scan the room, two little feet are sticking out from behind the curtains. I pretend to look all over the room before I pull the curtain back and catch him around the waist before he can run away again.

I carry the giggling twins into their bedroom and bounce them onto one of the beds before pulling on their underwear and pajamas. Once I have them dressed, I tuck each one into bed and pick up the story book that Kale's been reading from each night. He's away on business so I'm reading their bedtime story tonight. Kale likes being the one to read their story because he doesn't get as much time with them during the day.

Before too long, I hear some light snores and see that both of them are out for the night. I tuck their blankets up under their chins and turn on the night light between their beds before I turn off main lighting and quietly close the bedroom door.

Having a family was always my dream. I had no idea how tiring it would be. It may be tiring, but I love it. I love taking care of my mate and my children. I love fixing meals and bathing my babies and reading them stories. At the end of the day, I may be tired, but I'm completely satisfied by the time I go to bed myself.


I hate being away from my mate and children, but as head of the family business, sometimes my presence is required, even when it is something that Rafe is more than capable of handling. This last week was one of those times. I had to be there, personally, or the contract would not have been signed. So, I went. We got the contract and I'm finally home. A week can seem like an eternity when you are away from your loved ones.

"Daddy." Two high pitched voices scream as I walked through the door, followed immediately by the impact of two little bodies against my legs. I reached down, scooping one twin in each arm and spinning around making them giggle. Jaxon walks into the room, the edges of his lips quirk up in a soft smile as he watches the three of us being silly.

"Hey there Munchkins," I say kissing each of them on their chubby cheeks. "Were you good for daddy while I was away?" I look over to Jaxon and wink at him mischievously.

"Yes, we were good, we were good." They squeal together. Their eyes grow round and their squeals louder when I pull a toy from each of my suit pockets, handing one to each of them. I stand up, letting them run off to play with their new toys before turning my gaze back to my mate.

"Goddess, I've missed you, Jax." I sighed as I pull him into my arms and lean down to kiss him. It feels like I'm in heaven holding him against my chest.

"I missed you too, Kale." He replies, before pressing his soft lips against mine in a gentle, loving kiss.

We both just stood there, simply holding one another and enjoying the warmth of our mate in our arms. Nothing compares to holding Jaxon. His body against mine feels perfect, like this is where I belong. I would stay this way forever if there weren't other things that had to be done. Too many things intrude on our time together, but we try to make the most of our time together.

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to post this chapter. It is shorter than I had intended but no matter what I wrote, I didn't like it and kept re-writing it over again. I hope it's enjoyable.

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