Chapter 39 - Coincidence or Destiny

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Sometimes, like today, I have to stop and ask myself how did everything turn out so well; how did my life go from bleak to perfect; how am I so happy. I am surrounded by all the things I had ever dreamed of. I have a great life with my mate and our pups. We are surrounded by our families and friends and every day life seems to be better than the day before.

From the time my mom first told me about mates, all I've wanted was to find mine and build a family together with them. Dad and mom always seemed so happy together, like they belonged with one another. My mom was the one who told me that they were mates, and she explained how the Moon Goddess created a mate for each wolf, and how important a mate was to a wolf. After that I noticed how dad would always sneak a kiss with mom whenever he thought that me and Lucy weren't watching and I saw how mom's eyes lit up whenever he did that. That is how I pictured romance. It was that sort of devotion and love that I wanted.

When I shifted for the first time at thirteen, it turned out that I was an omega, not that anybody was surprised given my size. Despite my dad being a large man and wolf, it was clear that I was always going to be small. My parents assured me that there was nothing wrong with being an omega, and all the other omegas in the pack seemed to be happy so I didn't worry about it too much myself. I wasn't the best student in school, but I wasn't bad either, I guess I was passable. I took a lot of classes that focused on home making - and was teased for it, but that is what I wanted. When I came out as gay that didn't surprise anyone either, and nothing really changed in my relationship with my pack.

It was only when I turned eighteen and found my mate that everything changed for the worse. So, how did it all turn out so well? I still can't believe it. How did everything go from that to this? I thought a life like this would never be mine.

The twins just shifted for the first time and they're wobbling around getting used to their wolves, which are beautiful. Adrian's wolf, Griffin, is brown with black, grey and white streaks throughout his fur and Talia's wolf, Jazmine, is brown with grey streaks and a white muzzle. Once they're steady in their new forms, Kale suggests we go on a family run. Once we shift along with the twins, Rhianne, our six year old daughter climbs onto my back and Martin, our nine year old son climbs onto Kale's back and we set off on a brisk run through the woods near the manor. The twins nip playfully at one another's tails as they run causing the two pups on our backs laugh at their antics. The wind cools us as we run until we stop as a small clear blue lake nestled in the middle of a wide valley. Kale and I plop down and watch as our young ones run around playing together, the two older pups relishing the agility of their wolves. This here is what I dreamed, and for me, it is perfect.

Thinking back, I wouldn't wish what happened to me on anyone, but if things had been different I don't know where I would be now. Would I be happy or not? Any little change in the past could have led to a very different outcome.

What if Pete had rejected me, but let me go away? Would I have stayed at White River or gone to join another pack? I might have met Kale then, or I might not have, and would I have remained mate-less the rest of my life?

If he had accepted our mate bond, would we have been happy together? Would I feel the absolute contentment that I feel now? I certainly wouldn't have met Kale, and even if I had, we wouldn't have a bond between us. I regret that Pete didn't give us a chance, but I don't regret meeting Kale. Kale is perfect for me, I love every single thing about him: The way he laughs at any stupid joke. The way his left lip curl up lopsided when he smiles. The way he looks at me, ah yes, the way he looks at me, that is probably my favorite thing of all. He looks at me the way my dad looks at my mom.

What if Beta Terrence hadn't freed me? Would I still be chained in the barracks? I don't think I would have lasted much longer there because I truly had lost my will to live. If Lucy had taken me directly to North Winds pack instead of East, if we had followed the roads instead of cutting across country when we did. So many 'ifs' that would had led to different ends. Was it the hand of the Goddess that brought me such happiness after such misery? Or was it just damn luck?

I shiver to think of all the possibilities and all the things that could have changed. My happiness and joy was dependent on so many things. Was it all a coincidence or was it destiny? I don't know, but whatever it was, it was all worth it.

What matters is that I am happy. I am loved. I have my family close by and I'm making new friends. And most importantly, I have my mate and my pups; I am living my lifelong dream. All the happiness I enjoy today is the result of my greatest sadness. Nothing that I have today would be the same if it weren't for those Chains.

The End

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to publish this last chapter.  Turns out that I didn't want to write it because I realized that it was the end of the story and I didn't want it to end. I've sort of grown attached to Jaxon.

I want to thank all you who are writing on Wattpad. I've read hundreds of stories by many, many people on here and you all gave me the little push I needed to write one myself and publish it here. I've always wanted to write stories and they sit on my computer, never published, never read by anyone else. I hope you all enjoyed this one.

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