Chapter 28 - Lucy & Rafael

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I've never thought about finding my mate, my goal was always to be a scout. It was Jax who always day dreamed about finding his mate. He always talked about it as if it were the end-all be-all of his existence.

As a young girl, perhaps I should have been more interested in the subject, but it really didn't enter my thoughts and that is why actually finding my mate took me completely by surprise. I am completely in love with my mate, Rafael. I'm still shocked but nothing else seems to matter to me right now. His voice, his scent, everything about him fills my mind at all times. I'm acting like I thought Jaxon would act, and he's acting like I thought I would act. The tables have really turned on us and I still feel befuddled.

"Luc darling", Rafe whispers in my ear, his arms wound around my waist, holding me tight against his chest. We're lying in bed having had amazing sex all morning.

"I love you so much, I never thought such feelings were possible". We're late getting out of bed, both of us too wrapped up in one another to care about anything else.

"I love you too", I whisper back. "Who would have thought I'd ever feel like this?" I said, snuggling even closer against him.

"Did you know I was never interested in finding a mate?" I said over my shoulder to him, more of a statement than a question.

"I had my life's goal and nothing else mattered. I was sixteen when Jax was rejected by our Alpha; up until then, I had my life all planned out. I was going to be a scout and spend all my time patrolling our pack's borders. I loved the outdoors so much and that was where I wanted to spend all my time. That day my life, and my plans were completely upended. Dad and mom were expelled from the pack, Jax was thrown into prison and his life became one giant horror show, and I somehow became his sole support in our pack. At first, I blamed him but I knew it wasn't really his fault, Alpha Pete was the cause of all that. Even though I ended up having to adjust my plans due to circumstances that I had no control over, I was still able to become a scout and enjoy my chosen lifestyle for the most part".

"So that's how it was", he commented.

"It must have been really hard for someone so young to have to take on so much responsibility. I'm not sure I would have been able to do all that myself".

"You know", I glanced over my shoulder. "You just do what you have to do. I'm nothing special for doing that. I'm sure anyone in my position would have done the same".

"I think you're underestimating yourself and overestimating others", he told me.

"Not that many people have that kind of internal strength. You learn that when you lead people. You will always be surprised by them; some of the ones you think would be strong will turn out to be weak and some you expect to be weak will turn out to be the strongest, and others will be exactly what you expect. I think you're one of those I would expect to be strong who turns out to be strong. You have an aura about you that just says strong to me".

"You're just saying that to get on my good side." I tease him, smiling at him over my shoulder.

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