Chapter 22 - Reunion

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Rafael and I drove to the airport to pick up my mom and dad who were flying in from the North Winds pack to visit Jax and I. It's been three wonderful days since Rafe got back from England and I'm super excited to introduce him to my parents.

"Lucy!" Mom squealed throwing her arms around me in a huge embrace. "You've grown up so much."

Dad didn't wait a second longer and squeezed in , throwing. his arms around the both of us. "How's my baby girl?" He asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm doing great." I blushed. It felt so good to see them again.

"Dad, mom, this is Rafael Evans,." I grabbed Rafe and pulled him over to introduce him to my parents. "My mate."

The next few minutes were spent with all of them getting to know one another before we walked to the carosel to collect their luggage.


Jaxon sat on the couch under the window sandwiched between mom and dad. Rafe and I sat on the other couch and Kale had pulled his chair from behind his desk and sat across from us all.

Mom couldn't stop hugging Jax, commenting over and over how thin he was. He's still not gained all the weight back he'd lost at White River, but he was looking much better than he has in a long time. "Are you sure you're all right?" She kept asking.

"Yes mom, I'm doing much better", he reassured her once again, hugging her side.

Dad had his arm over Jaxon's shoulders, holding on like he'd never let him go. They both expressed their thanks to Kale for taking us in and hosting them while they were here. Their rooms were just down the hall from Jaxon's; they were somewhat overwhelmed by the opulence displayed everywhere in the manor. I had moved from the guest quarters into Rafe's room; now our room. There was no reason to keep using the guest rooms when I was spending my nights with him anyway.

We were in the Kale's office because he felt that a little privacy was in order for this reunion. Our parents knew what Jax had gone through, but we didn't want his experience to be gossip through the community so we were meeting here in Kale's office. Everything was new information to Rafe and he was horrified by what he heard. Mom and dad both cried and begged Jaxon for his forgiveness for not having been able to get him out of there. He reassured them that he didn't blame them; he knew they had done everything they could to get the council involved.

Dad and mom we thrilled that we had both met our mates in this pack. Our original plan of hiding away in the city was untenable now; there was no way we were going to leave with our mates here in the pack; not that they would have approved of us leaving anyway. That plan made no sense now anyway, and it was clear this pack was capable of protecting it's members. They could clearly protect Jax from our old pack.

We spent several hours all of us getting acquainted, or reacquainted as it were. Kale had dinner sent up to the office for everyone and we talked long into the night. Mom and dad decided they would like to stay longer than originally planned and Kale assured them of their welcome in the manor. Dad and mom approved of both Kale and Rafael, wishing us all the best. All in all, today was one of the best ever.


Seeing dad and mom again was something I hadn't realized just how much I needed. Being held in their arms again made me feel safe more than I would have thought possible. It helped drive home the fact that I was free again more than anything else that had happened since we got away. Seeing them again was exactly what I needed.

"Jaxon, we love you so much." They kept telling me. "We're so sorry about what happened."

"It's not your fault." I reassured them each time. "I'm just glad that it's over now and that we're back together again."

They were still furious with alpha Pete and even other leaders of the pack. Lucy and I explained how it was beta Terrence who had helped me escape. Then Lucy described how we'd hidden for the summer before making our way Eastward once I was able to travel. Both of them were impressed with how well Lucy had taken care of me, not only during the time in the barracks, but also on the journey East. She proved how good of a scout she had become throughout.

Kale and Rafe were both impressed by her abilities too. Kale has offered her a position as a scout with the Silver Moon pack. He wants her to train with his scouts and make sure they know the all the tricks she used. Knowing that will help them protect their own borders from anyone who might use those skills to invade this territory. Dad and mom are so proud of her.

That first night my parents were here, we all stayed up late into the night catching up with one another, and just enjoying one another's company.

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