Another Author's Note

1.8K 45 2

Wow; a huge thanks to everybody. My story, 'Chains' has reached 100,000 reads. That's so exciting. 

 Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I love you all and I love your comments.

Who would have known that when I found wattpad that I would end up writing a story of my own on the platform. I've been writing some short stories for quite a long time, and they just languish on my computer. Chains is the first story I felt willing to publish.

I found wattpat when a manga I was reading linked to the story - I couldn't wait for the comic to come out - I wanted to READ the story. Once I found it, I kept reading and reading and reading. I must have read over 100 stories before I decided to write my own for wattpad. I wrote the first 10-12 chapters before I created my account, and then it took me quite a while to get up the nerve to actually begin publishing the story. And now, it's at 100K reads. Something I never expected.

There are so many talented authors on wattpad they inspire me to do my best.

Once again, Thank You all!

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