Chapter 10 - Hiding

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JaxonLucy ran all day and into the evening. She wanted us to be as far away from pack territory as possible before we stopped. We have no idea how long of a lead we have over the other pack members before they discover we're was missing. If they discover we were missing right away or if it take them a little while? I hope for the latter, but have no way of knowing either way. So, we kept on moving. Lucy was moving at an easy lope now, not a full run. That would conserve her energy and she could cover much more distance, even if not as fast.

Not long after the moon rose, she turned aside and stopped near a large group of shrubs. I hopped off her back, I knew she was really tired and her back probably ached from carrying my weight all day. She spent a few minutes searching through the shrubs and it wasn't long before she found what she was looking for. A small opening leading into the side of a small bluff. She sniffed carefully making sure that the cave was empty before getting on her hands and knees and crawling forward. She had a small flashlight in her hand illuminating the way in front of her.

"Jax, it's safe", she called from deeper in the cave, a slight echo following her voice. "Be careful crawling in, there are some sharp stones near the entrance".

I followed her slowly into the cave, surprised when it opened up into a larger cavern after crawling about 10 feet. Lucy's panned the light around the cave, it wasn't really large, but it was big enough to hold both of us and since I am not as tall as she is, I was able to stand up in there without having to duck. She wasn't so lucky.

"How did you know about this place, Luc?".

"I've used this cave before when I was out scouting in this area for the Alpha. I stumbled on it the first time completely by accident when I was hiding from a group of rogues as they passed through the area." She explained. "I've used it off and on since then when I'm in the area".

"Can you shift, Jax?", she asked after we'd each eaten a small piece of trail ration. It wasn't much, but it took the edge off our hunger. She must have been famished having been the one to expend all that effort and energy through the day.

"I'm not sure, I hope so", I told her. "I haven't been able to shift since they locked me up. Let me try. Can you turn your back?" I asked a little bit embarrassed. Why was I embarrassed I will never know. She's seen me naked so many times over the last four years, including just this morning. It made no sense. She chuckled at my sudden modesty but she complied and turned to face away.

I thought of my wolf form and gave control to Jake. I felt the usual shifting and breaking of my bones as they rearranged themselves and shifted into those of a wolf. It really hurt since it had been so long. But I managed to shift and felt good about it. 

"You can turn around again", I told her through the mind link, which surprisingly continued between us even though we had felt the link to the pack break as we crossed the borders of the pack's territory.

"This is great", she beamed at me. "Hi Jake, it's nice to see you again". He growled a friendly little growl back, letting her know he felt the same way.

"It'll be best to sleep in our wolf forms", she said. "It can get chilly out in this area at night and our fur will protect us from the cold. Besides we don't have any blankets with us."

I turned away as she took off her own clothes and shifted herself. We curled up together and it were both sound asleep in minutes. It had been a long day, but it was worth it. I was finally free. I vowed to myself that I wouldn't go back; I would kill myself before I let them take me back. This was the first night in years that I wasn't being used by someone for their own gratification and I was finally able to relax in sleep. I didn't have any nightmares that night; probably because I was so tired.

When I woke the next morning, Lucy wasn't there. I almost panicked until I realized she probably went out to take care of normal bodily functions. I know I needed to. I could smell myself and I stunk of dried cum and blood. We hadn't had a chance to stop and clean me up yesterday, we were so focused on our escape. I needed to find some water to clean myself off with.

I crawled out of the cave and found a small stream not far from the opening. Lucy was using a line she had brought in her pack to fish. She already had one fish on the ground and quickly brought in another. Breakfast was served. After I cleaned myself up in the cold water, I shifted back to my wolf and the two of us ate the fish raw. That was the way wolves ate and we couldn't chance starting a fire to cook anything anyway.

"We're going to stay here for a while", Lucy told me. "This place is well hidden, it's close to fresh water, and you need to get some strength back. Jake looked like he could barely walk and you're not any better yourself. There's plenty of small game around here, and the fish, so we should be okay for a while".


Watching Jax move around, I realized it was a good thing I'd carried him on my back yesterday. Even in wolf form he had no stamina or strength. We wouldn't have gotten very far at all if he'd had to run on his own. My heart breaks every time I see him like this, but now that we're away from the pack, he'll have a chance to heal and regain some of his lost muscle. It's going to take quite some time for him to build his stamina back up. I think we're going to be here for at least a few months. It's a good thing we're wolves and it's summer; this would be nearly impossible otherwise.

I told Jax my plans and he agreed that my way is best. He's so docile and withdrawn now; not even close to the cheerful, happy big brother I remember from four years ago. I hope he'll smile again someday soon. I miss his smile, it was so engaging everybody who saw his smile couldn't help but smile back. It had been so infectious."Jax", I called him over to me. "You need to learn to fish. I'm going to show you how. Don't worry, it's really easy", and I broke off a piece of my line and showed him the basics of fishing. I knew this was necessary in case something happened to me. I wanted him to know the basics of taking care of himself alone in the forest. Over the next several weeks, I was going to teach him as much as possible about living in the wild. I was determined to make sure he can take care of himself if necessary.

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