Chapter 24 - The Summons

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I received a summons from the council of Alphas this morning. It appears that White River's Alpha Pete has lodged a complaint with the council that I'm holding two of their pack members against their will. I've been directed to appear before the council in two weeks, along with Jaxon and Lucy in order to address the charge.

This is obviously a ploy; he can't get to them while they're in my territory and by taking them to the council, it may be possible for him to grab them without risking invading my pack's territory. The council isn't likely to force either Lucy or Jaxon to return to White River after they testify that they're not being held against their will, and describe the conditions Jaxon lived under while under Alpha Pete's control. Well, I'll just take enough men to prevent any such attempt. When summoned to appear before the council, it is best to comply.

My only real concern is for Jaxon's peace of mind. Having to face his tormentor, and relate his story to the council may be too much for him. He's still having nightmares and I'd rather not expose him to anything that brings back those memories. Seeing his old alpha will almost certainly leave him shaken, after all, not only was the man his fated mate, he was the one who caused so much trauma for so many years to my little mate. I like the sound of that: "My mate". It brings me some comfort knowing that he won't have to face his nemesis alone. I will be by his side the whole time.


Kale called Lucy and I to his office. Mom and dad were invited too. I wonder what he why he wants us all there.

"I received a summons from the council of Alphas this morning", he wasted no time getting directly to the point once we were all seated in his office.

"Alpha Pete has claimed that I'm holding Jaxon and Lucy here against their will and is demanding that you be returned to him at White River pack".

"Obviously the claim is false and once Jaxon and Lucy testify to the council, they will let you return here", he said.

"Additionally, both of you have found mates in this pack and the council will definitely take that into consideration. They're not going to split up mates."

"I believe this is just a ploy to get Jaxon out of my territory where there is the possibility that he could be kidnapped by Pete's men. We are not going to let that happen".

"That seems likely", dad said. "That story won't hold up at all once the council hears how Jaxon was held against his will at the White River pack and all that was done to him. Ellen and I can also testify to what we know, and Lucy was a witness the whole time."

"Don't worry, Jax", Kale turned to me. "We're going to bring more than enough men to protect you from any attempted kidnapping. You aren't going back there no matter what; I will protect you with my life if necessary, babe".

I sat there listening to everyone strategize how best to handle this situation. They discussed who, and how many men should go with us. How we'll travel. They studied maps to determine if there were places where our group could be ambushed along the way. It was all very stressful and I was trying to keep my rising anxiety to myself. Kale could sense my anxiety though; he has a bond with me and can sense my nerves.

Actually, when I think about it, I'm feeling pretty bitter about this and my anger is rising right along with my anxiety. For over four years, the council ignored my situation, even though dad tried and tried to get them to intervene. Now, they're calling us all there because one Alpha claims that I'm being held against my will? The council didn't care when it was the family of an omega complaining, but for an alpha they'll call us to appear? That alpha is the only one who ever held me against my will. I'm not looking forward to seeing Alpha Pete again; but I plan to give the council a piece of my mind.

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