Chapter 5 - Reminiscing

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The guards brought Jaxon back to the barracks in the early morning after alpha's party. He was in bad shape; unconscious and covered in bruises and dried semen. Semen covered his back, his hair and his face. He was naked, and his ass was swollen and red. He had more bruises turning a dark purple-black on top of the ones that were beginning to heal.

"Oh, Jax, I wish I could do something, you deserve so much more than this.", I whispered to him, trying to hold back my tears.

I got a bowl, filled it with warm water and cleaned him up as best I could, doing my best to not cause him any more pain. I knew he was going to be in a tremendous amount of pain when he woke up. How could anybody treat someone else like this? It was a good thing he was unconscious right now, or he would be so embarrassed knowing that I was the one cleaning him up again. I knew what they had done, so while he was still unconscious, I gave him an enema to clean him out down there too; I knew he wasn't going to have the strength to do it himself when he awoke. I doubted he'd even be able to stand.

I have to get him out of this place, this is just too much. I have been saving most of my money and hiding it away in our old house, where I live alone now. I have a small pack filled with necessities ready for each of us should the opportunity ever arise and I have the chance to spirit him out of here. There is only so much we can carry conveniently while in our wolf forms, but some things will be necessary and I have them all ready. During every scouting mission, I watch for any potential hiding places that could be useful someday. You never know when they might come in handy and it never hurts to be prepared.


--- dreaming ---

"Momma look", I squealed full of excitement. I shifted back to the small omega wolf as she watched me, her eyes filled with delight.

"That's so cool, Jax." Her smile was as big as I'd ever seen it.

I had just transformed for the first time. As soon as I realized what I'd done, I shifted back and raced over to my parents to show them. I had just turned 13, shifting hurt but all my senses were enhanced and it was amazing. Every smell was fuller, brighter, cleaner. I picked up sounds from way down the street as if they were right next to me. As an omega, my wolf was small which is to be expected as I am small as a human too. My fur was a light golden brown, with black streaks here and there. I loved the color.

My dad cheered for me. "Yay, Jax, you look fantastic." Then He shifted himself and jumped on me taking care for my small size and starting a mock fight. I bounced away, awkward in my new form, but then bounced back at him. He pretended that my playful attack had overcome him and tipped over on his side. I jumped onto his side growling as fierce as I could being so little. Before long, mom shifted and joined in the scuffle and little Lucy ran over to play with the rest of us. We had so much fun that day, the whole family playing and tussling around in the yard.

--- End Dream ---

Waking up back in the barracks, once again chained to the wall and all cleaned up, I knew that Lucy had been here; nobody else would have bothered to clean me. I had been dreaming of back when I was little, so reality hit me like a blow to my soul.

"Oh Goddess no." I cried turning my face into my pillow, trying to keep my sobs to myself. I don't want to attract attention; not that anybody would notice me. They never do.

Judging by the angle of the light coming through the window, it must be well after midday. Last night was bad for me to be out that long. There was a bowl of thin soup sitting on the small table but I didn't have an appetite. Even so, I dragged myself into a sitting position ignoring the pain shooting through my body and ate the meal anyway. I get little enough to eat and so I eat what I get, when I get it.

After I finish the soup, I lay back down. I don't have the strength to get out of bed so I stare at the ceiling. Laying there with nothing to do, as always, I let my thoughts wander and soon I'm thinking of the dream life I had planned for myself. Life was good back then. My family loved me even though I was gay and an omega; it didn't bother them. We were happy. Before long I'm remembering things from when I was young. Memories of my parents and grandparents, a time when I was happy. I should stop myself, but I can't, even though I know that in the end I'll be sad.

--- Flashback ---

"You cut up the vegetables, Jax, I'll brown the meat for the roast." Mom instructed me; we were making dinner for the family and my grandparents were coming for a visit. I loved cooking and cleaning; all things domestic. Helping make dinner was one of my favorite things.

"Make sure grandpa and grandma know I helped make dinner." I told my mom. They were they would be here soon, coming from their pack up North. One of their several yearly visits. It was always fun when they came because they brought me and Lucy presents. Who doesn't like getting presents.

The conversation around the table was light and carefree; everyone catching up on all the things that happened since the last time we had been together.

"So Paul, I hear Lucy has started training as a scout." Grandpa stated. "Isn't she a little young yet?"

Dad looked up, looking over at Lucy. "No, it's what she wants to do and I think she's ready. She has a real knack for it; even the Alpha thinks so."

"Well, that's good I guess. How about you, Jax? How's school?" He asked, turning to me. They knew all about my dream to be a housemate because I always talked about it when they came. Everybody knew my dream; most of the pack too, they thought it was cute.

"School's great!" I answer back. "I love my teachers and all my friends. My favorite class is Home Economics - I'm the only boy in the class though. My friends tease me about that, but they always eats what I make anyway."

Grandpa laughed, "I bet they do. Your cooking is getting better every time we come for a visit.""He helped make dinner tonight." My mother says, and both of them say how delicious it was.

--- End Flashback ---Soon enough, men started straggling into the barracks. It wouldn't be long before one of the guys started their nightly routine sending me to hell again.

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