Chapter 2 - The Aftermath

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"Alpha expelled mom and dad from the pack", I told Jaxon, he was laying on a small cot in his dingy cell. "They tried to go against his orders and stop them from taking you away. They both got beat up pretty bad for defying him, but I was so proud of them right then. You would have been proud of them too, if you'd seen how hard they fought to get to you".

"They went back to North Winds Pack and will be with grandpa and grandma. I promised them that I'd stay here and help you as much as I can, though I don't think I'll be that much help right now".

He was in pretty bad shape, small to begin with, and then being raped by all the warriors who were there last night left him looking broken and fragile. I could see the shadows in his eyes. He just lay there staring at the ceiling, tears rolling down his bruised cheeks. I held his hand in mine, stroking it softly over and over as I whispered soothingly "it's going to be okay, Jax, it's going to be okay", even though I didn't believe my own words.

I've never hated anyone as much as I hated our alpha right then. Why did he do that to my sweet, kind brother? What had Jax ever done to deserve this? He was the sweetest, nicest, kindest member of our pack; everybody loved him. I may be training to be a scout in his pack, but I swore I would never give this alpha my allegiance. Ever. Not after what he'd done. I would reserve my allegiance for Jaxon. At sixteen there was not much I could do right now, other than try and make him as comfortable as possible in this dank cell on that dirty little cot. One of these days though, I will be able to get him out of here and we'll head up North to be with mom and dad again.

"I will be here for you, Jax, I promised. I will always be here for you."


I heard Lucy talking but most of what she said really didn't register in my mind. I was in so much pain, and that was all I could think about. I had been rejected by my mate and my mind and heart were numb. He hadn't even given any consideration to our mate bond, just rejected me out of hand. What happened after that was worse though. I could have lived with a broken heart. I could have lived mateless even though being mated was my lifelong dream. Yes, it would be painful and yes, I would be lonely, but how was I going to live with this? He'd ordered his men to rape me. I know that a lot of them hated doing that; I knew most of them just like I knew most of the rest of the pack. Some of them even apologized to me while they were pounding their hard cocks into my ass; even if they didn't want to do that, they had no choice since he'd used his Alpha voice.  

I've known Alpha Pete, more or less, since I was young. He was our alpha, and had been the alpha in training as long as I could remember before that. He was 4 years older than me; but I had never known him to be cruel or vindictive before. I doubt we'd ever even spoken but he never made fun of me for being gay like some of the younger members of the pack. He never even seemed to notice me other than at the ceremony when all us new wolves were inducted into the pack after we presented. That was just over five years ago and I was the only omega to present back then. I was the only male omega in the pack and nobody was surprised when I came out as gay; I think they'd all expected it more or less. Even then Alpha Pete never seemed to care that I was gay, only that I had shifted and my wolf presented.

He came down to the basement to watch as I was raped by his men. I saw him standing there but he never said a word to me, just glared at me with cold eyes through the bars of the cell as one after another, his men had taken me. Again and again. A few of them had been really rough, slapping and hitting me as they fucked me. He didn't seem to care. Eventually he turned and left, leaving the men to finish what they'd started.

My right eye was black, I could feel it swelling, and my face ached from the punches I'd received. I was going to have a huge bruise on the right side of my face. Jake, my wolf was doing his best to heal me, but I didn't care whether I was healed or not, I just wanted to die. I wanted to die, but I was too stubborn to. Something whispered deep inside me that I would survive this. Jake promised me that we would survive together. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

Lucy wiped my face with a cool cloth; cleaning off the blood and the grime from the cell as much as she could. She was holding back tears herself; I could tell how hard she was trying to hold it together for me. Goddess, she's only sixteen and she has to face this? That was just too much. I was embarrassed to have her see me like this, but there was nothing I could do. I couldn't even lift my arms without her help, so I just lay there as she cleaned me up.

"What's going to happen to me? Am I being expelled too?" I asked her. She just looked away for a minute, trying to come up with the courage to tell me about my fate.

"You're going to be put in the barracks with the warriors", she finally whispered, tears rolling down her young face. "He's given you to them to be their plaything. I'm so sorry, Jax, I feel so helpless right now, and I can't do anything about it". She sobbed, trying to keep me from noticing.

"It's not your fault, Luc." I told her, feeling a spark of anger begin in my soul, along with the despair. It was better than the pain, so I let it grow into a flame. I would not let them destroy me, I would not. I decided right then to fight to hold onto myself no matter what they did, I wasn't going to let them win. I'm not exactly a strong person, but I am stubborn; when I got an idea in my head, I couldn't let it go. Looking back later, I would realize that this moment was the only thing that helped me maintain my sanity through the years that were to come. If I had known what was to come though, I would probably have died on the spot out of sheer terror. 


It was a mistake, what I'd ordered done to Jaxon, not that I'd admit that to anyone, my alpha pride wouldn't let me. I rejected him and I don't regret that; I'm not gay and I don't want a male mate, but I shouldn't have imprisoned him and ordered my men to rape him. That was my mistake. I was just frustrated and took my anger out on him. Frustrated that my mate had turned out to be male, frustrated that the whole pack had witnessed the rejection and frustrated that Levi was howling in my head at the time. I could feel his pain and despair. Then I compounded the mistake by expelling the boy's parents from the pack; though, I couldn't just let their insubordination pass without punishment, even if I was the one in the wrong. At this point, I can't reverse my decision because that would show weakness to the pack and I won't show any weakness.

I watched as Jaxon was raped by my men. That small man, a fraction of the size of the warriors who were taking their pleasure on his body. My wolf, Levi, howled in my mind begging me to make them stop, I finally shut him out completely. Watching my men taking pleasure with him got me aroused so I left the cells and called Carla, the pack slut, to my room where I spent the night wildly fucking her. Even though I was fucking Carla, I couldn't stop thinking of what I'd watched in the cells below. I couldn't get the image of Jaxon's body out of my mind; that tiny, firm ass being fucked by my warriors, the image of him lying there just made me more aroused. I am not gay.

Levi isn't speaking to me now. He was thrilled to finally meet our mate; I felt the thrill too as I caught the scent, cinnamon and lavender. It was the most wonderful smell I'd ever encountered, but when I saw who it was in the crowd and my heart fell. My mate wasn't a female, sure, he was beautiful but he was male so I rejected him. There was nothing wrong with that. Levi was furious with me for rejecting Jaxon, but he was even more outraged by what I'd had done after that. He was so angry as I watched the men use the boy that he nearly took over and it took all my will just to keep control myself. In the end, I gave the boy to my men to use however they wanted. I should let him leave the pack, but for some reason I don't want to. I won't do that, so for now, I had them put a collar coated in wolfsbane around his neck to prevent him from shifting and a shackle on his leg, chaining him to the wall of the barracks.

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