Chapter 35 - I'm What?

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A/N: Lets get back to the real story...


My heat, now that I'm mated was utterly incredible, unlike any heat I've had before. Incredible, but exhausting. It was something you think you know what to expect with, but when it actually happens it is so much different than you thought it would be. Whenever I went into heat before, it was always uncomfortable and I just wanted it to be over, and then my heats stopped altogether during my years in the barracks. Nobody knows why they stopped though, because only being with your mate will stop or ease heats, and I had never been with my mate.

In the two months since the induction ceremony, I've been learning my responsibilities as Luna of the pack. I'm meeting new pack members every day and I'm starting to get to know and recognize them. Pack life here is a lot different than what I was used to back at White River and I'm still getting used to the differences, but I really like it. Kale keeps everything running smoothly, and I am going to do my best to help do that.

My plans for today were more of the same, but I was extremely nauseous when I woke up this morning and spent the first part of the day bent over the toilet throwing up. Kale hovered over me protectively asking if I was okay until I sent him away. His anxiety was making me nervous myself. He said he wanted me to go see Dr. Brown first thing to check and make sure I wasn't coming down with an illness. I hope I'm not getting sick, we werewolves don't get sick much due to our rapid healing ability, but I was more susceptible to illnesses due to the abuse I had suffered for so long, so I'm taking this seriously.

I brushed my teeth, rinsing to rid myself of the yucky taste of puke, then I showered, getting ready before heading out. As I was about to leave, I heard a quiet knock on the door and opened it to find my mom standing there.

"Kale told me that you're not feeling well. Are you okay?" She asked concerned, placing her palm to my forehead. Do all mothers do that? It was strangely comforting.

"I'm going over to the clinic right now for a check up, would you like to walk over with me?" I said.

"Sure, that sounds nice." She replies pulling me into her arms for a minute in a tight hug before stepping out of the bedroom and heading towards the stairs.

We haven't had a lot of time to visit since I began my duties as Luna and this will give us some time together. I grab her hand and we head over to the clinic which isn't far, chatting about everything Lucy and I have been doing since I became Luna.


"Go sit down on the edge of the bed over there, Jaxon." The doctor directed me to the small exam bed covered with white paper.

"Kale said you were throwing up this morning, is that right?"

"Yes", I answered. "I felt nauseous as soon as I woke up and then I couldn't stop throwing up for, like ever."

"Does this happen a lot?" He asked, following up with more questions about what I may have eaten, did I feel chills or feverish and such.

I answered all his questions and he seemed satisfied with my answers.

"Pull your shirt off and sit on the edge of the table there", he directed me to the examination table, then placed a stethoscope against my back saying "Take a deep breath and hold it for a moment."

I flinched a little at the cold metal on my bare skin, doing as he instructed. He had me breathe out and then in a few more times.

"Your heart and breathing sound good, go ahead and lay back now." he instructed again.

I laid down again as he pulled a machine over from next to the wall, and smeared a cold gel against my stomach. "This is going to be cold." Yeah, he could have warned me first.

He ran a small instrument over my abdomen watching the screen next him. After a moment, he looked at me and smiled.

"Congratulations Luna, you're pregnant." He proclaimed. "See those two little dots there? You're having twins."

"Jaxon!" My mom exclaimed, smiling at me from ear to ear. "That's so wonderful, I'm going to be a grandma."

I looked at the two of them stunned, the enormity of the words just starting to sink in. Am I even ready to be a parent? What is Kale going to say? I have tons of questions racing through my mind and... My mind goes blank.

"I'm what?"

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