Chapter 18 - Kale

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David contacted me via mind link that there were two young wolves crossing our territory from the West. I had him stop them and bring them to the pack house. It's our policy to interview all wolves who enter our territory. We are a large pack and in order to keep everybody safe, we take precautions like this. I told him to bring them to the Drawing Room as the best place to meet guests and it's easier to put them at ease there rather than my office. He informed me when they reached the Manor and said he'd be bringing them in shortly. He also informed me that there was something odd about them, he couldn't get a scent off of either of them.

David was right, I couldn't catch their scent as they made their way through the building. I can usually distinguish who is and isn't in the building just from scent alone; but neither of these two seemed to have a scent at all. Although there was something, very faint, but it caught my attention. I couldn't pin it down but it was affecting Rolf, my wolf, making him antsy for some reason.

As soon as they walked into the room everything seemed to come to a standstill. The most beautiful girl I'd ever seen stood in front of me. She was so tiny and petite and so young, she couldn't be over fifteen, sixteen at most, but Rolf growled the word "mate" and I heard myself say "Mine" just before her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and she fainted.

As soon as she passed out, I mind called the pack doctor to come immediately and raced over to the young woman myself; her sister was already down on her knees worriedly calling the girl's name "Jax".

"Jax, what happened, are you all right?" She said, patting the girl's cheeks trying to get her to wake up.

"I've called the pack doctor", I told her. "He should be here shortly. Do you know what is wrong with her?" I asked.

"Her?" She looked at me slightly puzzled, before realizing I was talking about her sister. "Oh... I'm not sure what's wrong with him", she stated. "He's a boy, not a girl".

"That's surprising, he could easily pass for a girl", I said to her. The doctor came through the door right then, cutting off our brief exchange.

He checked the boy over quickly and determined that he was probably just suffering from shock and that it wasn't anything major.

"He should rest, it may be a while before he comes to", he told us and I ordered two of the wolves standing near by to take him to one of the guest rooms on the second floor.

"Mark, can you please go and keep an eye on him", I asked the doctor. He nodded, following the others as they carried the boy to the guest room.

"Don't worry", I said to the remaining girl, he's in good hands. "So, can you tell me about yourselves? Why were you in my territory and where are you headed?"

"I'm Lucy Archer", she told me. "My brother is Jaxon. I'm sorry we were in your territory, we're heading to Bellevue. We didn't realize we were trespassing."

"That's all right", I replied. "We're not going to harm you, we just check all wolves who cross through to make sure they intend no harm. So, why are you travelling alone, you two are younger than I originally thought. I'm curious why you aren't with your pack".

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