Chapter 21 - Rafael

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The last three months had dragged on interminably and seemed like the longest three months of my life. Our family owns a small software design company with customers all over the world. One of our overseas customers required that one of us to come in person for the design phase of their latest project. The project is quite lucrative so either Kale or I needed to be there. It would have been a major inconvenience for Kale to be away from the pack for that long, so I flew over to handle it. The design had taken longer than expected because they kept changing their requirements. That was all resolved now and the project was moving on to the next phase which doesn't require my on-site presence.

I was looking forward to being home after being away for so long. I hate living out of a suitcase. A lot has happened while I was away; Kale met his second chance mate, and I look forward to meeting him. Kale has told me quite a bit about him. I know he's an omega, his name is Jaxon and has been through quite a lot with his old pack. I don't know the details; Kale said they weren't important, but he was furious at the omega's former alpha when he talked about it. I don't think I've ever know Kale to be that angry before.

David, the pack's chief scout, met me at the airport. He had caught me up on all the pack gossip while I was away; I already knew the details of the pack business as Kale and I spoke frequently, him keeping me up to date on all the important stuff. I was laughing at a joke David had just told as we came through the main entrance. I paused, looking at him, "What is that incredible fragrance I'm smelling?" I asked.

"I don't smell anything different", he looked at me like I was crazy.

"No, really, it's incredible", I told him. "Goddess, I think I've died and gone to heaven."

"You really are crazy", he laughed at me. "Forget it for now, Kale's in his office waiting for us."

I shrugged it off too, was it all in my mind? If David didn't smell it, I must be imagining it. Kale's office was in the back corner of the manor and it wasn't long before we were standing outside the door. I knocked briefly and opened the door without waiting for him to say anything. He hates that, and as the younger brother, I do it just to annoy him. As I stepped through the door the fragrance I smelled earlier increased tenfold. Sitting on the sofa across the room were two people but all my attention was directed at the taller of them. She was simply the most lovely woman I had ever seen in my life, and she was the source of the fragrance I was smelling.

As the door opened, their conversation stopped and they turned to look at the door. Our eyes met and my wolf said: "Mate", I heard myself say: "Mine". I stopped moving and couldn't look away, until David, who was right behind me bumped into me and I stumbled forward. "Hey man, why'd you stop like that?" He said irritated.

Kale, watching from his desk, looked at me then at the woman sitting on sofa and his mouth spread into a wide smile. He'd heard my statement of possession.

"Shall I make introductions?" He grinned, glancing between me and the woman. The little boy sitting next to her looked at Kale confused by his tone.

"Rafe, I'd like to introduce you to my mate, Jaxon Archer, Jax, this is my brother, and Beta, Rafael". I knew he was enjoying dragging out introductions, knowing the introduction I wanted was to this lovely woman. I did what I usually do and impatiently took matters into my own hands.

"Hello, I'm Rafe, who are you may I ask?" I ignored Kale's smirk and looked right into the deepest, most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen.

"I'm Lucy, Lucy Archer", she replied breathlessly. Looking back at me neither of us able to look away from the other. "Nice to meet you."

The young boy, who was apparently Jaxon, was looking between us, confusion written all over his face. Kale came over and pulled him to his feet.

"Rafe, say hi to your Luna", he said again, cheekily interrupting my interaction with Lucy.

He gives to me as good as I give to him; he's just getting even with me for my failure to wait for an invitation to enter the office. He leaned down and whispered something in Jaxon's ear and I saw comprehension spread over the little guy's face. Jaxon glanced between the two of us again, stood up and pulled Kale back over to his desk, leaving me alone with Lucy; he even winked at me as he pulled Kale away. I think I might like this kid.

Kale turned his attention to David, who was bemused by what had just happened, and let him leave after a brief conversation. He pulled Jaxon into his lap. I heard them whispering and giggling like a couple of kids but I ignored them.

"Would you like to go for a walk through the gardens with me?" I asked her. She agreed and we left the office, leaving Kale and Jaxon alone.

We walked out the door without a word to Kale or Jaxon. Take that, Kale!


Jaxon and I were discussing mom and dad's upcoming visit; both of us excited to see them for the first time in years. Kale was sitting at his desk working on something or other related to the pack. He was just finishing up before he and Jax's daily date. I keep calling it a date and Jax keeps correcting me that it's nothing but an appointment. I'm not fooled; he looks forward to these dates just as much as Kale does.

We were interrupted by a knock on the door followed immediately by it's being thrown open. In walked a man who looked a lot like Kale, just a little shorter, with hair perhaps a shade lighter. "Hey Bro.", he called to Kale just before looking towards Jaxon and I. The moment he caught sight of us, me rather, he came to a dead stop and David, who was coming in right behind him bumped into him causing him to stagger forwards.

David exclaimed: "What the hell, man, why'd you just stop like that?" But the new guy's eyes were focused on mine. I felt my heart flutter as the world stopped.

Kale looked between the new guy and I and a large grin spread across his face.

"Should I make introductions?" He asked, then skipped right over me and introduced Jaxon. He was enjoying himself it appeared, taking some minor pleasure in tormenting the new guy, who it turns out is his beta and brother, Rafael.

After a moment, Rafael, who was getting impatient, took it upon himself to ask my who I was, ignoring Kale and Jaxon. David was left standing in the background wondering what was going on.

Kale whispered to Jax and a moment later, Jax took his hand and lead him back over to his desk. That left Rafael and I alone, just looking at one another. Before long, Rafael invited me to walk in the garden with him and I immediately agreed. I got up and he took my hand in his, leading me out of the office. I could hear Jaxon giggling along with Kale. I had finally met my mate and I was over the moon.

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