Chapter 26 -- The council

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We're all gathered at the Werewolf council because Alpha Pete has lodged a complaint with the council that the Silver Moon Pack is holding Lucy and I, members of his pack against our will. That's not true, of course, Lucy and I are at Silver Moon of our own accord. Neither of us has any desire to return to White River, and Alpha Pete knows that. He wants me back though, so here we are. Alpha Kale has brought many more men than necessary because he thinks that Alpha Pete is hoping to kidnap me at some point while we're away from Silver Moon territory.

Alpha Pete is in the middle of pleading his case to the Alpha of Alphas, Alpha Andrew of the Full Moon Pack, at the moment.

"Sir, two of my pack members are being held at Silver Moon and I want them returned." He explained. "They left the pack without permission and were taken captive. I'm asking you to rule that they belong back at White River and require that they be released back to my pack immediately".

His explanation of events was largely fictional, the only part that was the truth was that we had been part of White River Pack and that we'd left without permission. We aren't being held prisoner at Silver Moon. We're there willingly. He didn't mention the conditions that I had been living under in White River; he didn't say anything about rejecting me as his mate. He never mentioned that I was starved, abused and raped there, that I was essentially a sex slave to his friends and some of the pack members.

I felt the anger, that I'd held since the very beginning after being rejected and sent to the prison cells to be raped, building in me. That was one thing I will never forget; my anger towards him. I'm shaking with my rage and my mate, Kale, Alpha of the Silver Moon pack feels it through our bond. He takes my hand in his and gives it a tight squeeze. I glance over at him and he catches my eye. He smiles at me, letting me know how much he loves me and that he's never going to let me go back. I relax again and lean into his side.

Alpha Pete talks for another 30 minutes or so, trying to convince the council that we should be returned to his pack. When he's done, the Alpha of Alphas looks over at me, indicating that it's my turn to speak.

Alpha Andrew then calls me forward. I stand up and approach the front. I'm trembling because I have to tell my story again. I don't want to think about the past and I hate that I have to do this, but it's necessary. The council needs to know what I've been through; I am not going back. Ever.

"Alpha, Sir", I begin. "My name is Jaxon Archer. I was a member of the White River Pack; I was born there. On my eighteenth birthday, I discovered that Alpha Pete was my mate." I saw a look of surprise pass over Alpha Andrew's face. Alpha Pete hadn't said anything about that when he spoke.

"On that day, as soon as Alpha Pete saw me, he rejected me as his mate." Another look of surprise crossed Alpha Andrew's face and his eyes narrowed. Why, I'm sure he wondered would Alpha Pete want me back in the pack if I had been rejected.

"After rejecting me, he ordered me imprisoned in the pack's prison and then he ordered his warriors to rape me. All of them. After that he chained me in their barracks as their sexual plaything. He often had friends from other packs, and even humans over and let them use me sexually too. For over four years, I was raped every night." I continued my story, relating all that had happened to me during the four years I was held like that.

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