Chapter 25 - Marking

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Notice: This chapter contains SMUT. If that's not your thing, you may consider skipping it.


My connection with Kale is getting stronger every day. I long for his touch but at the same time, I'm afraid of it. I still have nightmares about having sex, but lately I'm having dreams about Kale too; dream of him holding me and making love to me. These dreams about Kale are completely different than what I experienced at White River. There's no way what happened at White River was 'having sex', but I have trouble separating sex and rape. I worry it'll be like the nightmares rather than the dreams; it scares me.

Another fear is still that Kale will be disappointed that I am not a virgin. He's assured me time and again that my past means nothing to him; I wasn't a willing participant and he doesn't care about it. I still worry though.

When I wake up from the dreams about Kale, my ass is wet and I'm always aroused; something that never happened when any of the men were using me. I never got aroused or wet back then. I'm not sure how to deal with these conflicting feelings. I want to be intimate and I don't. I don't know what real intimacy is like; I long for, and dread, the experience all at the same time. My longing is getting greater than my dread now.


Kale had to postpone our time together today until after dinner; there was a pack emergency that he had to deal with. I wanted tonight to be special so while he was in meetings, I showered and styled my hair, tying it back into a long ponytail. I've considered cutting it, but Kale likes it long. I spent an hour just deciding what to wear, deciding on a pair of tight black jeans and a gray tee shirt covered by a light blue button down shirt left open. I brushed my teeth and took care of all the other preparations that I thought were necessary for tonight. I hope Kale won't think I'm too forward.

Kale met me at the entrance to the gardens, taking my hand in his as we began our evening stroll. I tugged him towards the gazebo; my favorite spot in the gardens. He didn't resist, just let me guide him wherever I wanted to go. I sat down on the marble bench, the only seating here and pulled Kale down next to me. I surprised him by squeezing myself closer and leaning into his side. We sat there, not saying anything for quite a while, simply enjoying one another's company.

"Kale", I began quietly. "I think I'm ready to take this relationship further if you want to".

I heard his quick intake of breath. "Are you sure?" He asked, "I don't want you to rush before you're ready".

"I'm sure", I said.

"I've been thinking about this for a while now. I am afraid, please understand that, but I can't keep hiding from my feelings for you. I can't keep running from my fears; it's time for me to face them, and this is the first step for me. I don't want you to think that I'm just doing this because of my fears though. I really want it; the longing I feel for you just gets stronger every day and I hope you feel that way about me too. Do you want to be with me tonight?"


Oh Goddess, this amazing little man just keeps surprising me. I don't think he knows just how hard it's been for me to hold myself back. I've wanted him so badly since the first day we met.

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