Chapter 36 - Marry Me

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"You're pregnant?" I jumped out of my chair and raced around the desk. I grabbing my little mate around the waist and swung him around and around, if my smile were any wider my face would split in half.

"Jaxon, I didn't think I could be happier since you came into my life. But you... you just keep brining me more and more joy every day." I nuzzled his neck. "I love you so much, you bring me so much light every day."

Jaxon buried his head against my chest. His tears soaking my shirt, but I don't care.

"What's wrong, Jax?" I whisper into his ear.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong, I'm just so happy, and scared, and, and I don't know." He sobs into my chest. This little man is so precious, I squeeze him against me even tighter. Holding my mate like this brings us both comfort; I could hold him all day and never tire of it.

Ellen, Jaxon's mom, watches us with tears in her own eyes. Smiling tenderly as her son cries softly in my arms. I wave her over and wrap her up in a warm hug with her son. It's a moment we all share together.

"I'm going to be a dad. I'm going to be a DAD!"

"Jaxon, thank you so much for coming into my life and being my mate. I'm going to make sure our pup is the happiest pup in the world. I'm going to be a DAD." I proclaim, my heart is about to burst.


Kale is running around the manor yelling to everyone, in a loud voice that he's going to be a dad. His excitement is contagious and there are people laughing, cheering, hooting and hollering all through the building. It's literally chaos out there; I'm staying right here in my office so I don't get mobbed. Peeking around the corner I see people dancing around high fiving each other. So much for a quiet announcement to family and friends; looks like he got carried away.

"It doesn't look like any more work will get done today." Lucy laughs, watching Kale's antics.

"You just made my brother the happiest man on Earth." Rafe looks at me with a huge grin on his face as he wraps his arm around Lucy's waist, pulling her to him. They're so good together, I'm a bit surprised that they aren't expecting already themselves.

I'm so nervous about this. It's what I've always wanted a family but now that my dream is so close I am filled with so much insecurity. Will I be a good parent? Also, I won't be able to be a 'stay at home dad' like I had dreamed, I'm the Luna of the pack and there are things that I have to do. So much has changed since then.


Later in the evening, after he'd settled down, he pulled me into his office and we called his parents on Skype.

"Dad, mom, we have some news to share with you." Kale grinned at them through the monitor. "We're going to have a baby! Jaxon is pregnant."

"Oh my Goddess." They yelled. "That's fantastic, when did you find out? How far along are you? Is it a boy or a girl"

"Just today." I tell them. "It's twins, but it's still to early to tell what gender they are. I'm about three weeks along now." Although we haven't met in person yet, Kale and Rafe had introduced me and Lucy to their parents via Skype and we've talked often since then. They're a nice couple and I can't wait to meet them in person once they get back from their international trip.

"We'll be home soon, this trip is almost over. We can't wait to meet you in person and now that you're going to be having our grandpup, we're even more excited." Lucille squealed.

We talked to them for a long time, Lucille reminisced about her pregnancy with Kale and gave me all kinds of advice for dealing with the morning sickness. Kale's dad teased Kale about how I was going to be waking him up in the middle of the night to satisfy all kinds of weird cravings. We all laughed about his stories of being awakened by Lucille and making brownies with pickles for her in the wee hours of the morning.

"You take care, Jaxon, and we'll talk more later." They said as we all said our goodbyes before ending the call.

"My parents have really taken a liking to you, Jaxon." Kale snuggled his nose into my hair, inhaling deeply. "I can't wait for them to get back and meet you and find out just how amazing you are."

We sat there in his office chair for quite a while after the call, too comfortable to move. Me on his lap snuggled up against his warm, broad chest with his arms wrapped around me. Neither of us said anything, we just sat together enjoying one another's company.

"Jaxon," he whispered, making me turn and look up into his eyes. "Will you marry me?"

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