Chapter 33 - Redemption Part II - Dating

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A/N: This chapter contains offensive language and bullying.


The bell over the door jingles and I start to welcome the customer. "Good afternoon, welco..."

I falter for a moment when I see the three guys who just walked through the door. My heart beat increases all at once, so loud I was sure they could hear it from where they were standing.

"Welcome to our shop." I manage to get out. "Please take a moment to look at the menu and let me know what you decide."

"Well, well, well. Look at what we have here boys, it's the little fag Avery Brown." A voice I had hoped never to hear again.

"Dave." I say, a simple statement acknowledging his presence, not really a greeting. My face turns bright red, embarrassed by the homophobic slur.

"What would you like?" I ask, doing my best to be professional to the guy who had made my life hell in school. He and his two bosom buddies were my biggest bullies for all those years through middle and high school.

"You said to take a moment to look at the menu." He sneers. "How will I know what to order until I have a chance to look?"

His buddies, Jacob and Clay, the other two guys with him, laugh at his seeming wit. They've always thought of themselves as witty, but they're just three morons. Unfortunately for me, they were morons who were homophobic and they were bigger than me. A lot bigger.

I'm only five foot five inches tall, skinny, and I am gay. I came out in my first year of high school; though it wasn't intentional. The boy I had a crush on found out and spread it around the school. After that, I was an easy target for bullies, Dave, Jacob and Clay being the most persistent.

"Okay. Let me know when you're ready then." I reply, turning around and fiddling with a coffee machine that didn't need attention, but it gave me an excuse to take a minute and regain my composure.

James and Beth, the shop's owners, were in the back finishing up the bread and prep work for today's lunch rush which was just about to start. I hoped that they'd come out any second and save me from having to deal with these guys, but I'm not that lucky.

"Hey, faggot, I'm ready to order." Dave lisps, imitating the stereotypical gay voice. "You gonna keep ignoring me?"

"What would you like?" I turn around, pretending that I didn't hear his insult.

I took their orders then made their sandwiches and took their money, all the while listening to their snide remarks about my sexuality. Luckily the lunch rush hit and so even though they stayed to dine in, there wasn't any more time for them to continue harassing me in front of other customers without embarrassing themselves.

I wonder what they would say about gays if they saw the hunk I've been dating recently. He had the body of a Greek God and I didn't doubt for a second that he could take them all three on with one hand tied behind his back without breaking a sweat.

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