Chapter 29 - Full Moon

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Tonight is the full moon and it's the night we will initiate Jaxon, Lucy and their parents into our pack as full members and they'll all receive the pack link. It's also the night I that I will introduce Jaxon to the pack as my mate and their new Luna. All pack members who can, are coming to tonight's ceremony, even members from the little communities scattered throughout the territory. I doubt that it's news to anyone since Jaxon and Lucy have been here for several months now and the pack does love gossip. Tonight's celebration is special since presenting a new Luna to the pack is a rare occurrence.

Everybody is excited and we're going to have a huge feast afterwards followed by dancing. The entire pack has been working hard to convert the grounds in front of the manor into a meeting area. Tables have been set up from one end of the grounds to the other. The pack's cooks have been preparing for days and tables laden with every dish imaginable are groaning under the weight of that much food. I've seen some of the pups drooling, as they cast their eyes over to the banquet tables.

A stage has been set up by the fountain and all the new pack members are seated there. This induction ceremony there are several new people who have joined our pack over the last months besides the Archers. Jaxon's parents decided to join our pack and remain here with their children. Jaxon was so excited about that news that he could hardly sleep for days.

As I approach the podium to begin the ceremony, the entire pack grows quiet. One by one, I call each new member forward and recite the initiation.

"Do you swear loyalty to Silver Moon pack and myself, Kale Evans, Alpha of the pack?"

One by one they each swear the oath and briefly bare then neck to me; I ritually take their neck between my teeth and they receive the pack link, officially becoming members of our pack.

Once all the new members have been through the ritual, I call Jaxon back up to the stage and raise my hand for quiet one more time.

"Members of Silver Moon pack, I would like to introduce to you my mate, your new Luna, Jaxon Archer."

The entire meeting ground erupts in cheers: "Luna, Luna, Luna" they chant.

Jax blushes an endearing tomato red and those closest laugh seeing his embarrassment. I bent down and kissed him right there in front of the entire pack. I couldn't resist, and everyone cheered again, this time chanting "Alpha, Luna, Alpha, Luna". It warmed my heart to hear my pack cheering for us with such enthusiasm.

"Thank you", I sincerely thank my pack, and Jaxon waves to everyone. "Let's eat!"

The crowd began to disperse, some heading over to the buffet tables for that delicious food and others coming over to the stage to congratulate and welcome the new members and their new Luna.

It seems that most of them were coming up to meet their new Luna though; their curiosity needing to be filled before their bellies. I've kept Jaxon at the manor, asking him not to go to the village until after the council meeting because there was always a danger from White River pack. That danger has passed now and I've promised to take him out to see the village and meet the pack. I want to be the one showing my lovely mate around; what can I say, I want to keep him to myself.

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