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"Dude! Did you know they sell sushi here?" Christian asked us excitedly when he came back from the food bar, shoving the raw fish into his mouth.

"I mean, it's pretty messed up, but it's really good so who cares." he smiled, his mouth full of food.

"That's disgusting." Jack said, cringing. I punched his arm, giving him a look.

"Dude, chill the hell out." I scorned. He's been acting like a douchebag ever since he found out that Christian was tagging along with us.

We continued to walk around the aquarium, looking and pointing and occasionally laughing and awing at the different types of fish and animals. When we got to the Penguins, Christian especially freaked out and asked if he could buy one. Obviously, the answer was no so he just bought a big stuffed one instead.

Jack laid off a little bit, and began warming up to Christian after a couple of hours.

We all made a stop at the food court outside, and Michael and Carson went off to one of the little souvenir shops beside it.

"I'll go get us some food." Jack said, and pranced off to one of the food stands.

Christian turned to me and smiled, long arms wrapped around the stuffed animal.

"Today's been fun." he smiled. I nodded, agreeing with him.

"So Miss Tanner," he said, sticking his tongue out at me. "Tell me about yourself."

I sighed, leaning back in my chair and pulling my jacket tighter across my torso.

"Well, what do you wanna know?" I asked.

"Everything." he replied. I looked up at him, and he was just smiling in a very content way.

"Well, my full name is Tanner Jo Mancari. I have a douchebag of a brother, and my little sister Andy is the love of my life, in a close tie to my dog." I said, and he laughed lightly.

"My dad had Michael with this woman, then married my mom and they had me, so that's why we live here in Cove. To be honest, I'd much rather live in a city in California, than a small town in Texas." I said. He nodded, and I took that as a sign to continue.

"My favorite color is blue, my favorite car is a jeep - obviously, because I have one- , I turn 17 this December, and I absolutely hate cold weather." I finished, and he nodded once again, glancing over at Jack who was now walking back with our food.

"How about you, Christian? Anything you want to tell me about yourself?" I asked. He looked back at me, and shook his head.

"Nothing that you won't find out." he said. I cocked my head in confusion, but decided to let it rest when Jack came back, and gave us our food.

Soon enough, Carson and Michael returned and Carson was more than excited to hand us the 'cute little souvenirs' that she bought.

Mine was a black bracelet with a blue dolphin charm, Jack's was a t-shirt that had "Dallas World Aquarium" written in bold letters on the front, Christian's was a baby blue hat with whale designs on it, and she got herself a weird little mug with some animals on it, and Michael a key chain.

We all thanked her, and either put on or put away our gifts, and we continued eating.

"These are y'all's Christmas presents, so I'll be expecting something in return." Carson laughed, messing around with her septum piercing. I nodded, smiling at her.

Carson, Michael, Jack and I all practically grew up together. Like before, I met Jack in the second grade when his family moved here. Carson and Michael got together 'officially' Sophomore year, when they were both sent to the principals office for getting caught making out in the school stairway.

Michael and Christian used to be friends, I guess, when Michael was on the baseball team before he graduated. Christian is still on the team, he just isn't as social as Michael was.

I looked over at Michael, whose face was showing that he wasn't very content with his gift.

"You got me," he started, holding up the little turtle key chain. "a fucking key chain. Really, baby?" he asked, turning his head to look at Carson. She shrugged, and smiled.

"It's cute. Plus you like turtles so I figured," she said, but then changed the subject. "Don't be such a whiny baby, I buy you stuff all the time it's just a little keepsake to remember me by." she said.

"Well hopefully nothing will happen to where I'll have to remember you." he said, and they continued to talk.

"So how bout we all hang out at my place after?" I asked the two other boys, who were picking at their food. I wanted to make it a little more fun, and it's still early in the day. And they nodded, mumbling incoherent agreements.

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