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"I appreciate it, but I'd like to buy you a drink first." I heard Christian laugh, while my nine year old sister Andrea played with his hair, commenting on how gorgeous he is.

He smiled at me and I smiled back, then turned my attention back to the match that Michael and Jack were having on the video game, as they yelled at each other for 'screen cheating.'

"Andy, have you let Meeko out in the back yard to use the bathroom?" Carson asked. Andy shook her head then jumped up from the couch, proceeding to do so.

Meeko is one of Carson's old dogs. She has a few, but Andy absolutely fell in love with one of the pups, so Carson just let her have him.

"Tanner I dare you to jump in your pool." Christian said suddenly, and I looked back at him.

"What?" I asked. "It's freezing outside!"

"Come on, I'll pay you twenty bucks." he pushed.

"So not worth it! Carson, you do it! I'll throw in some extra." I said. Her eyes widened.

"What the hell kind of- no! Who in their right mind would jump in some cold ass water in the middle of winter. Bye-bye if you think I'm doing some of that crazy shit." she said, and Michael laughed.

"Oh god I love you so much." He said, and she crossed her legs and smiled at him. I rolled my eyes.

"Christian, it was your idea. You do it." I said, and he smirked at me.

"Fine, because I'm not some peepee boy. I can take it." He said cockily, and stood up. Andy returned with Meeko in her arms, and sat back down on the couch.

"Yeah, whatever. Thirty says you won't do it in just your underwear." Jack added on, after he and Michael had paused the game to join in the conversation.

"Sure thing." Christian said, and exited the living room. We all followed him through the kitchen and out the back door, and he walked to the edge of the pool, as we stood to the side.

He began taking his shirt off, then his shorts. He jumped around a bit, trying to warm up.

"Looks like I'm gettin' payed today!" he exclaimed, then did a giant cannonball in. Andy screeched when the water almost splashed on her and ran behind Mike's leg, and he placed his hand on her head.

Christian came up moments later, heaving in sharp breaths.

"Holy shit that's really cold!" he shouted, and Andy laughed loudly.

"Dammit didn't think the dude would actually do it." Jack muttered under his breath, and I scoffed.

He is one very interesting person.

"Turn the knob this way and then to the left to make it hot." I explained to Christian as he stood in beside me with a towel hanging around his waist. Carson was currently drying his clothes and I'm showing him how to work our shower.

"Thank you." He said. I stood up straight and looked at him, trying to ignore his very toned abs as he towered over me. I cleared my throat and nodded then walked out, shutting the door behind me.

This was an eventful day.

After fifteen minutes of letting Andy do different hairstyles with Michael's hair and us all watching in fascination on how a little girl could do so much with so little, Christian entered the living room in just the towel again.

Andy immediately picked up his dry clothes that were folded on the chair and ran them over to him, and he patted her head.

"Thanks, squirt. Hey Michael, I have to go home in a few, think I could catch a ride?" he asked, and I looked at my brother. He smiled slightly, and nodded his head.

"Sure thing." And Christian left once again.

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