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We got back home early and after Christian left, everybody immediately dispersed around the house, falling asleep.

I cuddled up next to Jack on my bed, and he was already passed out. I had to admit, it felt a lot better to be in a comfy bed and not laying on the hard ground above thin layers.


I woke up to my phone ringing a few hours later, and I checked my clock before answering it. It's 2 pm, we slept for five hours.

"Hello?" I answered after answering, my eyes closing once again.

"Hi princess, you sound like you slept good." I heard Christian say from the other side of the line. I nodded, falling back onto Jack. He grunted, and shuffled around.

"Just woke up." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Well come downstairs, the squirt and I are making food for you guys." he said. I sat up, wondering how he got inside. Maybe my dad let him in.

I hung up, and shoved Jack to wake him up. His eyes shot open, bloodshot.

"Morning Tan." he said, kissing my cheek. I wiped my face dramatically, and he rolled his eyes.

"It's not even morning, now come on, there's food." I said.

He checked the clock, mumbling an "Oh." and stood up, straightening out his t-shirt and shorts.

I walked downstairs, and the smell of chili was prominent. Jack came tumbling at me when I reached the bottom step, and he grabbed me to keep from knocking me over.

"Sorry...tripped." he said lazily, and walked around me.

I entered the kitchen, to see Christian standing over the stove with Andy on a stool beside him, peering over the food.

"Hi dad." I said when my dad walked in from the backyard. He smiled softly and pulled me into a hug.

"You didn't let this boy in your tent did you?" he asked. I chuckled nervously, but he didn't notice.

"Why would I do such a thing?" I asked innocently. He rose an eyebrow suspiciously, but brushed it off and sat down at the table.

"That smells good." I said quietly after I reached Christian's side, setting my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead, laughing.

"You look a hot mess." he said. I groaned, shoving him.

"Hey hey hey, go sit down, I'm almost done." he said, leaning over to give me a quick sneaky kiss.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what was that?!" my dad asked, his eyes wide. I shrugged, sitting down at the other end of the table.


"Sweetie can you go pick up some groceries?" my mom asked, handing me a sheet of paper with a list on it.

I nodded in reply.

"Thank you. And your father told me about what he saw earlier. Try and be more careful about that stuff around him. You're still our baby." she said, sticking out her bottom lip.

I grabbed Christian's hand that was resting on the arm of the couch and pulled him up, dragging him to the door. I got my car keys from the hook and we left.

I was driving , and I could feel Christian staring at me as Cage the Elephant played from his phone.

"You're so hot when you're driving, princess." he said lowly, grabbing my free hand. I rolled my eyes.

"You know I actually have a name, not just 'babygirl' or 'princess'." I said, looking at him for a quick second.

"I know. But who's complaining?"


Sorry it's a little short, I guess it's kind of a filler.

I need more drama in this story, I guess it just feels a little too calm for my liking

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