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unedited, please excuse any mistakes as i was very tired when I wrote this .


Because we're waiting until it's time for Christian's game to start, we decided to grab something to eat and hang out at the park nearby the field.

"I want a nice family." Christian says as he sits beside me on one of the many benches surrounding the park, holding my right hand in his.

I listen as he continues, the pad of his thumb running circles on the back of my hand.

"I want three little kids. Two boys and a girl. The girl, she'll look like you. And hopefully the boys will capture my charming looks." He says jokingly on the last part, laughing to himself.

"And we can get some dogs...one, maybe two. They have to be big and fluffy though, small puppies won't do." he says, looking over at me as I watch him intently, my eyes following every movement his mouth makes as he talks about the future.

He has such a bright sparkle in his eyes when talking about family and the future, and it makes my heart melt.

I suddenly feel a feather-like presence on my left hand, and I look down, smiling softly when I see a ladybug resting on the back of my hand. Andy's favorite insect are ladybugs.

"How cute." I say simply, watching it make its way around, not a care in the world but to bring luck and cuteness.

"Let me get a picture of you with the little ladybug, and we can show Andy later." Christian says, pulling his phone out from my bag and letting go of my hand. I let the ladybug crawl from one hand to the other, lifting my previously held one up in the air as Christian takes a picture.

"How in the hell are you so photogenic?" He laughs, "This is too cute, Andy'll freak."


After the eighth inning, both baseball teams are tied at 10, and Christian is up to bat. It's in the mid 50s outside, making my knuckles red from being cold while I clutched onto my drink tightly.

He steps up to home base, tipping his hat in my direction before squaring himself up to position, and brings the bat over his shoulder.

The pitcher paces back and forth on the pitching mound, before stilling himself and looking directly at Christian.

He throws a near curveball, and a loud crack is heard as the baseball is hit and spins through the air, landing just in the outfield. Christian takes off running to first base when he realizes it's a single before he gets tagged out, and the crowd cheers.

The next batter is up, and he hits the same as before, this time earning a double, so Christian runs to third base as the hitter runs to first.

The third hitter is up to bat, and the crowd becomes still and quiet as he readies himself, and the ball is thrown. The usual splitting noise of it being hit rings in my ears, and our eyes follow the ball, until it reaches over the outfield wall, which scores them a home run.

Christian, and the other two hitters sprint around the diamond, and back to home base. This adds three points to our team's score, meaning it's 13-10, and our team wins.

The crowd roars with cheers-that being, the part of the crowd that is here for our school- and the game is over.

After everyone clears out, I wait outside of the entrance to the field for Christian. I get a few hello's from people I go to school with as they exit, and soon after the baseball teams follow.

I run up to Christian, practically jumping on him as I throw my arms around his neck, surprising him with a kiss.

I pull away, and he smiles widely at me.

"Congrats on winning!" It almost comes out as a squeal. I'm so happy that they won their second to last game in the post-season, and I can tell so is the rest of the team as they laugh and cheer, and talk about celebrating by going out.

"Thank you babygirl, now how about that movie. I'm starving."


We make a stop back at Christian's house so he can shower again before we go to the drive-in, and I wait patiently while watching tv with his sister and his corgi Sadie, which they recently adopted from the shelter for his sister's birthday. Sadie is still a puppy, and her short legs make her all the more cuter.

"Christian really loves you. It's gross." His sister says, dragging out 'really' for emphasis.

I smile, more to myself and I feel my cheeks heating up, although I should be used to it by now.

"I know." I reply, scratching Sadie on the back of her ear.

"Are you two gonna get married?" she continues. I draw my attention away from the tv and look at her, the resemblance in her and her mom is uncanny, they could be twins.

"I would hope so, yeah." I say, laughing softly.

After a few more minutes Christian comes in from down the hallway, his hair slightly combed to the side and is now dressed in a button up and jeans.

"Oh you look adorable!" I gush, squeezing his cheeks after I stand up. He practically towers over me, and I can smell his cologne since I'm standing so close.

I look up at him, his light green eyes sparkling as he licks his lips, pressing them to mine shortly after.

"Get a room." His sister whines, making us both laugh as we pull away.

"Tell mom I'm going out." Christian says.

"Where to?"

"Does it matter? Stop asking questions and just tell her I'll be back later on tonight."

And with that, Christian takes my hand and we walk outside to his car.


We got to the drive in, and the sun began to set as we waited along with others for the movie to start, which it doesn't until after sundown.

Christian brought a blanket for us to use because we would be sitting outside on the hood of the car, away from the confined heating system that I take advantage of way too much.

I'm cuddled up next to him, trying to absorb as much heat as I can, seeing as it's practically radiating off of him, and he's playing with my fingers.

"I'm happy at how far we've come." he mumbles, thumb smoothing over the back of my hand, a gesture I found too comforting.

"I remember seeing you in that art gallery. I had seen you in school before but you looked so comfortable, so at peace in that atmosphere. And when you first smiled at me I knew that I was meant to be with you, I just had to find a way to make it happen." he continues, bringing my hand up to his mouth and he softly kisses the palm of my hand, then set it back down on his chest.

I grasped onto his shirt, the fabric crumpling up underneath my touch, and I shivered, chills running down my spine as I listen to his words flow freely from his mouth. He had such a way with them, just one simple word could make a girl melt, along with his eyes, that I could never get tired of staring into.

I am undeniably in love with Christian David Akridge, and it only brings happiness to know that the feeling is requited.

Maybe high school isn't that bad after all.


as I wrote that I was just thinking, 'what if I just ended the story here?'

but I'm not going to, I still have a little bit in store

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