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Today was the day Jack got his wisdom teeth out.

Also the day of Michael and Carson's wedding.

"I'm so doped up, I don't remember a thing. I love this!" Jack yelled, resting his head on my shoulder as I sat with him in the back of the car. Christian was driving, and Andy was in the passenger seat.

"You know who I love the most?" Jack asked. I raised my eyebrows at him, gesturing to continue.

"You." He said, booping my nose.

I laughed. "And you know who I love the most?" I copied.

"Who?" he asked.

"You." I joked, pointing a finger to his chest. A wide smile spread across his face as his cheeks turned red, then he frowned.

"I don't get it!" He whined, which confused me.

"You know what, let me turn on the radio." Christian said quickly, adverting my attention from what Jack said.

"Jack, the wedding is in a little bit, we're going to let you get some rest, and then wake you up to get ready, okay?" I said sweetly, making sure he understood. He nodded.

"So just remember everything you were told, where to walk, where to stand and all of that fun stuff." I said, and he mumbled an agreement.

We pulled up to my house, and I helped Jack out of the car. Christian watched amused as I attempted to support this tall boy.

We made our way up to Michael's old bedroom, and Jack flopped onto the bed, passing out withing moments.

I turned around, squealing when I was met face to face with Christian.

"You can't do that!" I said, slapping his arm.

"Whatever, you gotta go get ready." he said, shoving me to the staircase.


My mom and Carson's mom helped with getting us ready. They curled our hair, but we did our makeup.

The other girls and I waited patiently for Carson to step out of the dressing room, and once she did, we all gaped at how beautiful she looked. Michael was really a lucky guy.

"I look hot as hell." Carson said, admiring herself in the body mirror, making us laugh.

"Michael is one lucky man if I do say so myself. And I do say so myself."


After we were completely finished getting prepped, the boys arrived.

I walked out after the rest of the girls, but Carson had to stay behind until the wedding started.

"Zooweemama! Look at my baby all dolled up!" Christian called out, making my cheeks heat up.

They were all dressed up in their suits, most of them with their hair gelled back, and waiting patiently at the entrance.

"You're wearing a dress? Who are you and what have you done with my Tanner?" he joked, and I laughed, rolling my eyes.

Carson's mom ran out of the room, rushing us all into a line, standing beside who we were walking down the aisle with. I linked arms and hand with Christian, who leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"This is exciting as hell. Michael's getting hitched man." he said, and got shushed.

The music started playing, and the doors opened. Carson's cousin Marie walked before us, and then it was our turn.

There were a lot of people attending, mostly family but also people they went to school with over the years.

After we had reached the altar, Christian gave my hand a squeeze before walking to his side.

After the bridesmaids, Andy walked down the aisle with her basket, tossing flower petals everywhere.

I smiled at my little sister, and then came the bride.


"Why didn't you have a bachelor's party dude? We would've totally wrecked that!" Christian said to Michael, quieting down after I gave him a glare.

It was after the wedding, and everyone was mingling and eating.

Carson and Michael were called over to take pictures, and Christian pulled me over to him.

"That's gonna be us one day, you just wait."

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