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"I feel like we're in that movie Stand By Me."

Jack was rambling on as we walked down a trail surrounded by beautiful wild life.

"Jack, shut the hell up." Michael snapped, as he flipped the trail map upside down. I sighed.

"We're lost aren't we?" I asked Christian quietly.

"Lost? Nah." he said, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers together. His hands were rough, but warm.

"I say we turn around and go swimming, because Michael you obviously have no idea what you're doing." Carson said, snatching the large paper from his hands and looking at it.

"Yeah, let the smart one do the leading." Jack said.

Michael stopped and glared at Jack, who whimpered and ran ahead.

"Oh my God it's like a hundred degrees out here!" Christian whined.

I punched his arm. "Suck it up." I said.

"That's easy for you to say. You're barely wearing any clothes!" he said, letting go of my hand. I sighed as he removed his t-shirt, making me turn to the side so he could shove it in our small bag.

"Save the getting naked for later on in the relationship, buddy." Carson said.

"Found it! Okay yeah, Michael definitely had us going in the wrong direction. Dipwad." she said, smacking her boyfriend on the back of the head.

"The rec-center thing is further up that way." she continued, pointing behind us. We turned around and followed her, until we came to this smaller trail and took that one, which led up a small hill to a cute little cabin place.

"Ping-Pong!" Jack screeched, running up the rest of the way ahead of us.

When we walked inside, there were only a few other people hanging around , playing games and eating.

"I'm gonna get some snacks for later." Michael said, pulling Carson along with him to the vending machines.

I felt Christian's hand tugging me to the side, so I let my body be pulled along with him.

He pulled me into a large room with a net in the middle.

"What are you-"

Just as the previous night, he had stopped me mid-sentence by kissing me roughly. I was up against the wall, and he had both hands on either sides of me, boxing me in.

"You know interrupting people is rude mister." I joked. He laughed breathily and leaned in again. His lips were warm and chapped, but soft at the same time. They tasted like the citric gum he was chewing previously, and I smiled into the kiss.

"You're so adorable." He said, after I pulled away. I rolled my eyes, shoving him away from me.

"Come on before everyone starts wondering where we are." I said. He followed behind me back into the lounge area, where Carson was sitting on a couch eating Doritos watching Michael and Jack play an aggressive game of Ping-Pong.


After a few hours of playing indoor sports, we exited the rec area, leaving behind some annoyed strangers.

Once we reached the trail again, I grabbed the map from Carson's hands.

"Okay, let us lead the way now."

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