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A week turned into the rest of July, and Christian ended up staying in California longer than expected. In the mean time, I had multiple movie nights with Andy and the two fluff balls of dogs that we have, went school shopping with my mom, spent time with Jack, Carson and Michael, and got sunburnt in various places.

It was now the first week of August- Saturday morning to be precise-and it was the third day I've impatiently waited for my boyfriend to come home.

So when I heard the sound of a car that after many requests still didn't have a muffler pulling into our driveway, I immediately ran downstairs and out the front door.

I was greeted with open arms and the cheesy smile I had grown to love. I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as he effortlessly held me up.

"Can you explain to me why it's felt like forever and not just a month?" Christian chuckled, and I smiled as I held on to him, hugging him as tightly as I could.

"I missed you so much." I said, jumping down, and looking up at him. He smiled down at me, kissing me quickly but passionately on the lips.

"I love you Tanner." he said. But it felt different.

I brushed off the odd feeling and turned around, walking inside with him
right behind.

I heard small footsteps and a squeal coming down the stairs before we were greeted with Andy jumping on to Christian, hugging him as I previously did.

"Woah Andy, getting a little too strong there." he joked, making her giggle as he set her on her feet.

"I missed you Chris!" she almost yelled. He nearly flinched, but over the past year had gotten used to the nickname that he figured she wouldn't let go of.

"It feels good to be home, eh?"


Two weeks later

School is starting in less than a week, and as of the moment we were saying our goodbyes to Michael, as he was leaving to go to college in upstate New York. Carson was in the car, having already said her goodbye's to everyone.

"Don't go all city-boy on us." Christian joked, shaking Michael's hand, which ended up in a very tight hug.

My mom was standing by my dad, crying tears of pride and happiness and somewhat sadness, and my dad had an almost permanent smile etched on to his face, refusing to let the tears escape his eyes, for the sake of my mom.

Michael picked Andy up, and she wrapped her little legs around his waist as she dug her head into his shoulder, crying effortlessly that her favorite and only brother is leaving her for four years. Michael smiled sadly, holding the back of her head gently as he whispered some things into her ear. She nodded, and pulled away, and he kissed her on the cheek.

"I'll visit for Christmas, okay Andy? It's not forever, it's only college." He laughed softly, patting her on the head.

"Now," he started, turning to me as I sat on the arm on the couch. "Can't forget about my favorite twerp can I?" he smiled, holding his arms open. I rolled my eyes, walking over to him and embraced him in a tight hug.

"You always squeeze the tightest." He squeaked, making everyone laugh.

"I'm gonna miss you, Mikey." I said, pulling away. He rubbed the top of my head with his knuckles.

"You know how much I hate that name." he cringed. "I'm gonna miss you too, Tin Can."

"Remember," he said, pointing to everyone as he backed out of the doorway. "I'll be back on Christmas, don't miss me too much." he laughed and smiled, his eyes scrunching up, and shut the door behind him.

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