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It was the night of our senior prom.

It was also the worst night of my life.


I noticed something was different when I went to Tanner's house to pick her up for the dance.

When I saw her though, my heart dropped to my stomach and I had never felt so in love. She was wearing the most beautiful, flowing white dress and her hair was curled and pinned back to expose her gorgeous face.

"I am the luckiest man who has ever lived. I love you."

That off-putting half smile I received when I said those words, gave me a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong.

But I pushed the thought away--this night is going to be magical.

I had everything planned.

There is a hotel by the venue our prom was being held at (who would have thought), and I booked us one of the best rooms. Inside, everything was set up. Perfection is needed for the perfect girl, am I right?

I had a surprise that would wait until the dance was over. I don't think she'll see it coming at all.

Walking into the venue, and seeing everyone, I became happy, but sad at the same time.

Our senior year is officially over in a few days, and once we walk the stage, we all go our separate ways for the rest of our lives.

I smiled to myself as I looked around, and I looked at Tanner, who was only so effortlessly beautiful.

I wonder if she appreciates me as much as I do her.

But, the night did not go as planned. Don't get me wrong, we had fun and danced and socialized.

It was overall a magical night for me, that was until Tanner began to feel "sick".

"Do you mind if I get the key to the room, so I can lay down for a bit?" she asked towards the end of the dance.

"But, the hotel is across the street and this is almost over."

I tried to convince her to stay a little longer, but she refused to. I eventually reluctantly gave up the key, and she kissed me on the cheek-not even an actual kiss, and left.

I was left to hang out with Jack, and he still isn't a very big fan of me.

After a good amount of time, to lighten up the tension between us, I told him about my plan and asked if it was a good idea.

"Look, I love Tanner with everything in me. But you make her happy, and I'll always put her first."

"So I take that as a yes?"

"Are both of y'all's parents okay with it?" he asked. I nodded since I had already consulted them, and a smile spread across his face.

"I really wanna see this, let's go." he said, and we left the venue and began our walk towards the hotel.

I felt like I could have spontaneously combusted, or my heart could have beated out of my chest.

"Oh God, I'm gonna be sick." I said to Jack as we waited for our floor in the elevator.

"You can do this. What's the big deal? You're only asking her to spend the rest of your lives together." He said, letting out a light laugh.

As we walked down the hallway and to mine and Tanner's room, I fiddled with the small box in my pocket and realized that I didn't have the key.

"Shit, I gave her the key" I said, reaching forward to knock on the door.

I knocked loudly three solid times, and Jack squealed lightly behind me.

"This is so exciting!"

"Shut up, you sound like my mother." I looked at him, laughing nervously.

All in two seconds, I heard the door open, Jack's expression dropped, and I turned my head to look at my future wife.

But instead, I was met with an all too familiar voice. 

"Hey buddy, haven't seen you since Michael's party."


Unedited, and terrible as always!

This story is gonna have to come to an end soon, but a sequel might tag along.

The writing style is kinda different, but that's just because of the point of view.

Who do you think the 'familiar voice' is?

Good times, sorry for taking so long to update, I'm currently on break though

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