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End of the school year


"I am so glad hell is finally over!" Jack yelled, screeching like a pterodactyl before running and jumping in the pool.

My dad laughed as he instructed Christian on how to use the grill.

"Mr. Mancari, I got this." he said, and my dad put his hands up in defense, backing up slowly. My mom was by the pool, laying in a lawn chair as Andy, who hadn't quite learned how to swim yet, flapped her floaty-covered arms around in the water.

"Where's Michael, sweetie?" My dad asked, raising his eyebrows. I had to resist the continuous urge to laugh, seeing as he had his hair in a half man-bun, which is usually how Michael had his.

"He's picking up Carson, they should be here soon." I said, and he nodded, picking up some of Andy's toys from the grass

"Why don't you invite some of your friends over?" he asked, and I shrugged.

"Oh, Mr. Mancari-"

"Johnny." my dad interrupted, as Christian laughed.

"Well, Johnny, Tanner doesn't have any friends, you see." he said, and I gasped, hitting his arm.

"I do too!" I said. I heard Jack laughing from the pool.

"Yeah sure you do! Name one other than me!" he yelled. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. My dad's lips quirked up into a smile after a few moments, and I groaned.

"Dad! Can't you go do whatever men with freakishly long hair do?!" I whined, and he laughed, sticking his tongue out.

"If you meant your mom, I'd be happy to oblige." he said, then waltzed off towards my mother.

"Ugh, they disgust me." I said, leaning on the edge of the fold out table that was placed beside the grill. Christian scoffed, flipping over a burger.

"I think your parents are pretty great." he said, and I smiled sarcastically at him.

"That's only because they like you." I said.

"Well, young lady. How am I supposed to date you, if I don't have your dear old parent's permission?" He said. I laughed, mocking him.

Then I removed my dad's long t-shirt that I was wearing, until I was just in my bikini. Christian's eyes widened.

"Holy sh-"

"Don't even think about it Akridge!" my dad yelled, accompanied by my mom's laughter. I raised an eyebrow at Christian, and he glared at me.

"One day Mancari, one day." he warned playfully. I brushed it off and made sure Jack was out of the way before running and jumping in the water. It was colder than I expected, and I also wasn't used to it from not swimming since the last summer.

I came up shortly after, my body covered in goose bumps. Jack swam over to me, dunking my head under the water without warning.

"Jackson!" I squealed after I came back up once again, but he had already swam away.

I saw Carson and Michael enter the backyard and they dropped the bags and towels on the ground.

"Heyo Macaroni familia! It's good to be home!" Carson yelled.

"Macaroni, macaroni!" Andy repeated cheerfully.

My mom stood up and went to hug Carson.

"You're lookin' hot Mrs. Mancari, Johnny here's got himself a fine woman. Don't take advantage of it." she said, then turned around and walked back inside.

Michael smiled, chuckling. His shoulders bounced up and down softly with the laughter.

"Ah, I've missed her." he said, and Carson returned with a pack of sodas.

Without hesitation, Michael got undressed and joined us in the pool. He came back up, long , wet curls matted on his head.

"You are one gorgeous man, Michaelangelo." I laughed, running my arms back and forth in the water.

"Why thank you , Tin Can." he smiled, pushing his hair out of his face. I rolled my eyes, splashing him with water.

"Hey, no splashing!" my dad ordered, wiping his arm off with a towel.

"Daddy come in!" Andy yelled, doing ballerina dance moves in the water.

He chuckled , reaching forward to pat her on the head. Michael and I held back our laughter as Jack swam up and grabbed his arm, yanking him in. The water splashed everywhere.

"Jackson!" my mom squealed, and he put his hands in the air, returning under water again. My dad's head popped up, and his man-bun had fell out, leaving his wet hair hanging down just over his shoulders and eyes.

"Loving the look John!" Christian exclaimed from the grill, and I smiled.

"I am so happy it's summer."

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