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End of January, next year.


High school isn't fun and games.

I tried to find myself, only to find that I hate myself, and most others, too. I told myself I was going to study and turn in my work on time, but I also realized that nobody has the time of day anymore, and I need as much sleep as my deprived body can get. I would much rather spend my days at an art gallery where all the disturbed and curious find themselves at peace.

All the movies romanticize high school. 'The best four years of your life' can be wrong for many people, on very many levels.

I am 17 years old, I have been in this shit hole for two and a half years, and the only thing that I find true about what they say is that you will fall in love, and it will change your life.

This 'love' in question stands about 6'1, with floppy blonde hair, pale green eyes , the cockiest personality I have experienced, and a beautiful laugh to accompany, of course.

"Yo Mancari!" I heard a loud, familiar shout from down the hallway, and people gave Christian annoyed looks as he carelessly shoved past them to get to me.

I shut my locker and turned to him, as he breathed heavily.

"Ew you're all sweaty." I said.

"Well yeah I just got out of baseball." he laughed, and walked beside me as I made my way to first period.

Over the course of this month and seeing how Christian acts around the school environment, I much rather prefer the Christian that I had gotten to know before. The nice, caring Christian.

Not that I was completely complaining, but he is a dick. He tries to control it when I'm around, but I still notice the comments he makes, and he is slightly possessive, even though we aren't even officially together yet.

He claims it's only because he is 'afraid of losing me to any of the douchebags at this school.' When in all reality, he is one of the said douchebags.

"I know what I want, and what I want, I get."

But nonetheless, my feelings for him only grow stronger every day, and I manage to look past the bad side of his personality.

"Loving the shirt Mancari." a boy from my fifth period said, and I glanced down at my Led Zeppelin shirt. I smiled and thanked him.

"Yeah, so does she. Why do you think she bought it?" Christian said rather rudely, and I hit his arm. The boy walked fastly away after.

"Was that necessary?" I asked, and he gave me the dumbest look.

"He just said he liked my shirt, Christian. Are you serious?" I continued, and he brushed it off.

"I've gotta get to class. Meet me at lunch, okay?" he said, quickly kissing my forehead and running back down the hallway. I sighed, clutching my books tighter to my chest. I shook my head, stepping into my classroom and taking my seat.

It is known around the school now that baseball player Christian is 'with' the younger Mancari sister, thanks to Christian himself.

I had never experienced this side of him until I started spending more time with him at school, so I'm still hostile about him getting defensive when guys even make the smallest of compliments to me.

I noticed Jack wasn't in class so I pulled my phone from my pocket, holding it under the desk so Mr. Jensen wouldn't see it and opened my messages.

Me: Hey, why aren't you at school today?

Jack Skellington: Lol why does it matter

Me: you know what I meant. get off of your man period

Jack Skellington: That's real cool

Me: Whatever, Jack. I have to go.

Jack Skellington: Fine

I groaned and ran my hand through my hair, putting my phone back in my pocket.

"Is there a problem with the way I'm teaching, Tanner?" Mr. Jensen asked jokingly, turning around to face me. Everyone looked at me, and I laughed breathily.

"No Mr. Ackles," I said, using his last name which he preferred for us not to use. "Just a lot of stress." I said.

"Come talk to me after class then." he said seriously this time, and everyone returned back to their work.

I put my face in my hands, sighing heavily.

Jack obviously hates the fact that I spend time with Christian, now. It's like if I spend more time with Jack, I lose Christian, and if I spend more time with Christian I lose Jack.

Maybe I should just drop everyone and be best friends with my sister and my dogs.

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