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A few weeks later, it is the first day of Christmas break, and also my beautiful girlfriend Tanner Mancari's birthday.

I reach over her small body to the other side of her bed, turning  off my alarm that I had set on my phone. Looking back at Tanner to make sure she didn't wake up, I am relieved to see that she is still sound asleep, light snores coming from her mouth. Her beauty could never be surpassed.

I gently slide my arm out from under her, although it wouldn't make any difference seeing as she is she heaviest sleeper I know. She's even worse than my mom.

Climbing out of the bed, I pull her covers up to her chin and pat her head, leaving her room right after.

When I get downstairs and into the kitchen, I'm met with Tanner's parents cooking and Andy playing on her mom's iPad.

"We'll look who's up bright and early." Vanessa, Tanner's mom, says, smiling at me as she flips over a pancake. I take a seat beside Andy and watch her play the Minion Rush game-which is very interesting might I add, although Tanner could beg to differ.

Johnny begins to set plates and silverware on the table, and gives me a look, pushing his glasses further up on his nose.

"I don't suppose you have an answer as to why you're not wearing a shirt?" he asks, and I feel my face heat up, immediately wanting to run away under the intense gaze of Tanner's father.

"Johnny leave Christian alone, they're seniors. Plus this isn't the first time we've all seen him come downstairs half naked looking for food or something." Vanessa says, taking my defense. I give her a nervous, but thankful smile.

"I don't care that they're seniors. My baby is only 17-"

"18 today" Vanessa interrupts, and Johnny rolls his eyes.

"Whatever. Christian, when she isn't living under this household that is when I give you two permission to do whatever your hormonal bodies desire." Johnny says, ending the discussion.

"Topic change! So what were you planning on doing with Tanner today?" Vanessa asks, sitting down at the table as Johnny places the plates of food.

"Not sure. I was thinking of taking her to the Aquarium, because that's where we had our first date." I say, pushing out my chair and standing up.

I begin to make my way to the stairs so I can go and wake Tanner up and on the way I hear Andy squeal, "That's cute!"

I slam Tanner's door open, and when she doesn't wake up at that I jump on the bed, and begin singing the happy birthday song.

"Time to wake up macaroni head! Today is a special day and that would be the birthday of the most wonderful girl in the world!" I yell, and she groans, hiding her face under the covers.

Sighing, I give up and crawl under the blankets, covering up my head also so that I'm looking at her.

"You know, there's some food waiting for you downstairs. And I don't think Andy would be very happy if you didn't eat her special smiley face pancakes." I mutter, faking a pout. She smiles, and opens her big hazel eyes.

"Good morning little bit." I say, and hop back out of the bed, pulling her with me.

We get downstairs and take a seat at the dining table, and begin eating.

"So Tanner since you're 18 today I was thinking of letting you get that tattoo you've been wanting." Johnny says, and I watch as a wide smile spreads across Tanner's lips, and she practically squeals.

"Oh my gosh thank you! Christian, we have to go get it done." she gushes, and I chuckle, nodding my head in agreement.

I'm already 18, and well let's just say my parents weren't too keen on the idea of me getting a tattoo just yet.

But you never know, maybe something might change.

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