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The movie started after around ten more minutes of waiting.

The movie playing is Insidious 3, and I can feel Christian shaking beside me. Whether it's from the cold or because he's scared, I don't know.

Every once in a while Christian makes the slightest of a flinch, and I whisper the same thing in his ear: that it's just a movie.

He gets scared easily over movies, so it's hard to be able to sit down and just watch one without him freaking out.

Our breaths are coming out in wisps of white as they make contact with the freezing air, and it's hard not to focus on the darkness around us when there are pop ups-which there are many of in this movie.

Now we're towards the end of the movie, the main girl is in 'The Further' and everybody is watching in suspense as her family tries to pull her out.

The creature that she thought was her mom that had been following her around ever since the beginning of the movie pops up on the screen, trying to keep her on the other side.

In that moment, Christian flinches, his hand tightening around mine while whimpering quietly.

"It's just a movie Christian." I say softly, and he nuzzles himself closer to my side, if that's even possible.


After the movie, Christian decided to crash at my house, because it was already late and we were both exhausted, more so that he was scared.

As Christian slugged up the stairs, I drop my house key into the bowl that's on the table by the front door, and smile softly when I saw Michael's turtle keychain Carson had bought him a little over a year ago when we all went to the aquarium.

Things have changed so much since then, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

When I get upstairs, Christian is already curled up in my bed, looking around my room frantically while the light from the lamp on my desk barely lights up a corner of my room.

Deciding I was too tired to take a shower, I change out of my clothes and into a t-shirt and basketball shorts, not even minding that Christian was in the room while doing so.

I crawl into bed, curling up in front of the tall boy who took up most of the space. I lay there, facing him. His eyes are shut tightly, partially from trying to force sleep onto himself and partially from being scared. I smile, placing a soft kiss to his nose and the worry erases, the corners of his lips quirking up into a content smile.

"I don't deserve you."


the reads and votes and comments are way lower than they were but I have a few loyal readers so thank you for your comments and reads

don't think I don't notice bc I do and y'all's comments lift my mood every time I read them

I really appreciate everything because this story really sucks but you continue to read it so thank you thank you ily

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