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a year earlier

"Yo Mancari!" I heard someone shout at me in the hallway as I walked to class.

I turned around, seeing that Christian boy walking up to me with a big grin on his face.

"Did you get my message?" he asked, hoisting his bag further up on his shoulder.

"I don't think so, why?" I lied, thinking about his text saying he would like to get to know me better, but he wasn't going to get in that easily.

"Oh." he said, sounding disappointed. "Well I was just saying that it'd be nice if we could hang out, you know maybe at lunch or something."

I thought about it for a moment, looking up at the tall blonde boy, his hazel eyes basically pleading.

"I'll see. Now let's get to class before we're late." I said, and just then, the bell rang.

"Spoke too soon." he smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

We parted ways and made the rest of the trip to our classes, and when I walked in, Mr. Jensen sighed, not even caring that I was late.

Jack eyed me carefully as I took my seat beside him, and I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

You look absolutely ravishing today, mancari

I scoffed to myself, texting back a short reply.

Keep trying, Akridge.

A few months later


After my baseball game, I showered in the locker room quickly, grabbed my duffel bag and waited at the gate.

A girl named Cassidy came up to me, swaying her hips very noticeably, and once she reached me a wide smile spread across her lips, showing almost fake looking pearly whites.

"Hey Christian. You looked good out there today." she said, looking me up and down. I shrugged it off, glancing around a bit anxiously.

Tanner, please come save me from this chick.

"I guess, could've done better." I said, trying to bluntly show i was not interested in the conversation.

Her hand traveled up to my chest. and in that moment I saw the familiar head of short blonde hair walking up to me. A warm feeling erupted in my stomach, and I grabbed her hand, pulling it away and dropping it. I smirked as I pushed past her to walk to Tanner, a scoff escaping Cassidy's lips.

"Christian, who was that?" Tanner asked, eyeing the girl as we walked in the other direction.

"Nobody baby, " I said, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry about it."


Hola it's me, the ghost of christmas past. I just wrote this little blurb because i am in desperate need of getting over my writers block.

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