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The long day was finally over and I was ready to go to sleep.

Carson lead me to the restrooms, which also had showers. I took mine and waited for her. She likes to take long ones, but there were a few other people that were waiting and I was about to rip open the curtain and drag her out. People make me anxious.

After ten more minutes of waiting, she came out fully dressed in shorts and tank top, which is what I was also wearing, and we walked back to our tents.

I was going to say goodnight to everyone, but by that time all the boys were zipped up in their tents. So I said goodnight to Carson, and did the same.

I just lay there, for what seemed like hours. There were mosquitos buzzing around my tent, and I thanked God they couldn't get inside.

There wasn't another group of people around us for a little walk away, so when I heard zipping noise, I knew it must've been someone from our group.

I propped myself up and crawled over, peeping out of the screen in the tent.

Suddenly two pair of bright eyes pop up in front of me, and I shrieked, crawling back. The door was unzipped, and Christian appeared, hunching over so he could get inside. He turned around and zipped it back up without saying a word.

"What are you doing? If Michael or Jack tell my dad that you're in here he'll-"

I was interrupted by his index finger being placed on my mouth. I glanced down at his hand, then pushed it away.

"You're too loud." He said, sitting in front of me.

"What do you want?" I whispered this time.

"I needed to be with you." he said lowly.

"What does that mean?" I asked curiously.

Without a moments hesitation he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine aggressively, but they were soft.

My mind was spinning as he pulled away, and we stared at each other wide eyed.

I think this time for sure we both went in for a second kiss, and he pushed me back further until my head hit my pillow. I gasped softly, pulling away.

"You're good at this." he said. That reassured me, because that was the second main thing I was thinking. The first was a loud voice screaming, You just had your first real kiss, and with Christian!

"What has gotten into y-" I was interrupted again when he kissed me once more. It was quiet, and my arms felt tingly, all the way down to the tips of my fingers.

His thumbs were pressed into my hip bones as he held me, his hot skin against my seemingly cold skin.

He pulled away, and laughed softly, staring at me. I couldn't help but hold my breath.

"I feel as though I've just been provided with the most satisfying air I've ever breathed."

How the hell was he so smooth?

I heard a noise from outside again and our eyes went wide. He immediately fell to my side, and both of our eyes shut simultaneously. My tent was zipped open, and I heard Michael grumble something, before closing it again.

"We are so dead Akridge." I whispered.

He smiled, brushing his thumb across my cheek.

My hand traveled to the nape of his neck, and I played with the little pieces of hair that was somewhat longer than the rest.

"It was totally worth it."

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