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The next morning I woke up leaning on Christian on the couch. Michael and Carson were cuddled in the chair, with Jack passed out on the floor. I noticed Andy holding Meeko to his face, letting the dog lick his nose while she tried to contain her laughter. He is a deep sleeper so he didn't budge.

I sighed, looking up at the boy beside me, whose hair fell down just above his eyes and his mouth hung slightly open, and I smiled at the sight.

I've grown fond over Christian the past few weeks, and the time we've been spending together doesn't help the fact that I might be falling a little too hard, and too fast for him.

"Andy, do we have breakfast food?" I asked my sister quietly, trying not to wake anyone up.

"Yeah." She whispered back. She pulled Meeko away and set him down on the floor, and he ran down the hallway. She stood up and ran over to me, her long dirty blonde curls bouncing around her.

She gave me a good morning hug, which was a usual. I then stood up, moving slowly so I wouldn't wake up Christian. He mumbled something and shifted around.

I stepped over Jack and walked to the kitchen, Andy following in close pursuit.

"What do we want to eat this beautiful morning?" I asked, and she gasped.

"Bacon!" she squealed, and I shushed her.

"Okay, I can make us some bacon and toast, how's that sound?" I asked, and she nodded profusely.

I got out the skillet and two packs of bacon, while Andy attempted her part in putting the bread in the toaster.

After a few minutes of the bacon sizzling on the pan, a tired Michael waltzed in, rubbing his eyes.

"Makin' bacon?" he asked, and Andy giggled.

"That rhymed!" she laughed. He smiled at her and ruffled her hair, and she reached up and did the same to his.

"Yeah, I figured since everyone was practically forced to be cooped up in the house, that I could make us a cute little breakfast." I said, and he nodded, taking a seat at the table.

"So what's going on with you and Christian?" he asked suddenly, and I shrugged.

"Don't know yet. We're still getting to know each other, but so far we've gotten really close. It could go somewhere." I said.

When we were younger, I always heard about a 'Christian' but never actually met him, because at the time his parents rarely let him stay places, so Michael always had to go over to his.

I continued making the food, and after we buttered the toast and put everything on plates, the rest started waking up one by one.

Jack was the first, running in because he always got excited over my homemade food. After him came Carson and Christian, and we all took a seat at the table to eat.


"I do really have to go home now. Hopefully I won't get in too much trouble by the folks." Christian said, grabbing his jacket after we had eaten and cleaned up.

"Just explain to them about the weather, they should understand." I said, and opened the front door. The weather this morning was nice. Most of the ice on the road had melted , the sun was out, and birds were chirping loudly.


He leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek once again, and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Okay Mike I'm ready to go!" he shouted, and Mike jogged in, his keys jingling in his hand.

"Bye Christian, see you later." I said, looking up at him.

He smiled down at me. "Not if I see you first." And they both walked out.


A few hours later I was putting up laundry and listening to my record player when my phone buzzed with a text. I picked it up, unlocking it.

I'm going to California to visit some family for Christmas so I won't be able to see you until school starts again.

I frowned at the message from Christian, and began to reply when my phone buzzed with another.

It may seem fast but I really enjoy you, Mancari . If you'd let me, I could love you exquisitely.

My heart fluttered and I smiled, biting my lip as I read the message over and over again.

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